Intern Software Engineer Resume

Intern Software Engineer Resume

Personal Details


Date of Birth: [MONTH, DAY, YEAR]




Motivated and enthusiastic Computer Science student with a passion for software development and a strong foundation in programming languages and web development. Seeking an internship position to apply and further develop technical skills in a professional software engineering environment.


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

University: [University Name], [City], [State]

Expected Graduation: [Month, Year]

Relevant Coursework:

  • Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Object-Oriented Programming

  • Web Development

  • Software Engineering Principles

Technical Skills

  • Programming Languages: Java, Python, C++, JavaScript

  • Web Development: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, React.js

  • Database Technologies: MySQL, MongoDB

  • Tools & Technologies: Git, Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA


  1. Online Bookstore Web Application

    • Developed a full-stack web application using React.js for the frontend and Node.js for the backend.

    • Implemented user authentication, shopping cart functionality, and integration with a MongoDB database for storing book information.

    • Deployed the application on Heroku for live demonstration.

  2. Sudoku Solver

    • Designed and implemented a Sudoku solver algorithm in Python.

    • Utilized backtracking and constraint propagation techniques to efficiently solve Sudoku puzzles of varying difficulty levels.

    • Created a user-friendly command-line interface for inputting Sudoku puzzles and displaying solutions.

  3. Personal Portfolio Website

    • Designed and developed a responsive portfolio website using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap.

    • Showcased projects, skills, and contact information in a visually appealing and organized layout.

    • Hosted the website on GitHub Pages for online access.

Work Experience

Software Development Intern

XYZ Tech Solutions, [City], [State]

Summer [Year]

  • Assisted in the development and testing of new features for a cloud-based CRM software using Java and Spring Boot.

  • Collaborated with senior developers to troubleshoot and resolve software defects and performance issues.

  • Participated in daily stand-up meetings and code reviews to ensure code quality and adherence to project timelines.

Extracurricular Activities

  • Member, Computer Science Club: Participated in coding competitions and hackathons, collaborating with peers on projects and problem-solving challenges.

  • Volunteer, Local Coding Workshop: Mentored high school students in basic programming concepts and helped them develop their coding skills.


Introduction to Computer Science - Coursera

Certificate Earned: [Month, Year]


Available upon request.

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