One Year Experience Software Engineer Resume

One Year Experience Software Engineer Resume

Personal Details


Date of Birth: [MONTH, DAY, YEAR]



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Enthusiastic and detail-oriented software engineer with one year of experience in developing web applications and proficiency in Java, JavaScript, and React. Strong problem-solving skills and a passion for creating efficient and scalable solutions. Seeking to leverage my skills and contribute to a dynamic software development team.

Professional Experience

Software Engineer

XYZ Tech Solutions, Anytown, USA
June 2056 - August 2056

  • Developed and maintained web applications using Java, Spring Boot, and React.js, resulting in improved user experience and increased client satisfaction.

  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to gather requirements, design solutions, and implement new features within project timelines.

  • Implemented unit tests and conducted code reviews to ensure code quality and maintainability.

  • Assisted in troubleshooting and resolving technical issues to ensure smooth operation of production systems.

  • Contributed to the development of RESTful APIs and integration with third-party services.


  • Programming Languages: Java, JavaScript

  • Web Development: HTML, CSS, React.js, Spring Boot

  • Database Technologies: SQL, MongoDB

  • Version Control: Git

  • Software Development Methodologies: Agile, Scrum

  • Problem-solving and Analytical Skills

  • Excellent Communication and Collaboration Skills


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Tech Valley University, Summit City, California
September 2050 - May 2054


  • Online Bookstore Application: Developed a full-stack web application using React.js for the front end, Spring Boot for the back end, and MongoDB for the database. Implemented features such as user authentication, browsing books, and adding books to the cart.

  • Task Management System: Created a task management system using Java Servlets and JSP for the front end and MySQL for the database. Designed a user-friendly interface for managing tasks, assigning priorities, and tracking progress.


  • Certified Java Programmer (OCPJP)

  • Agile Software Development Training Course

VIII. References

Available upon request.

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