.Net Developer Fresher Resume

.NET Developer Fresher Resume

Address: [Your Address]

Phone: [Your Phone Number]

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/your_own_profile


Seeking an entry-level position as a .NET Developer where I can leverage my academic background and practical experience to contribute to the development of innovative software solutions. I am eager to collaborate with experienced professionals, enhance my skills, and make meaningful contributions to the success of the team and the organization.


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
[University Name], [City, State]
[Month, Year] - [Month, Year]

Relevant Coursework: Software Engineering, Object-Oriented Programming, Web Development, Database Management Systems


  • Proficient in .Net Framework and .Net Core

  • Strong understanding of C# programming language

  • Experience with ASP.NET MVC and Web API development

  • Knowledgeable in SQL Server and database management

  • Familiarity with front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

  • Ability to work collaboratively in agile development environments

  • Excellent problem-solving and troubleshooting skills


  • Online Bookstore Application
    Developed an online bookstore using ASP.NET MVC, allowing users to browse, search, and purchase books. Implemented features for user authentication, cart management, and order processing.

  • Task Management System
    Designed and implemented a task management system using .Net Core, providing users with the ability to create, assign, and track tasks within a team environment. Utilized Entity Framework for database operations and RESTful APIs for communication between client and server.


  • Name: Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals
    Issuing Organization: Microsoft
    Date: June 22, 2051

  • Name: .Net Developer Certification
    Issuing Organization: International Association of .Net Developers (IAND)
    Date: August 10, 2050

Internship Experience

Company Name: [Internship Company Name]

Duration: [Start Date] - [End Date]

Role: .NET Developer Intern

During my tenure as a .NET Developer Intern at [Internship Company Name], I was involved in enhancing and maintaining existing web applications. I collaborated with senior developers to fix bugs and implement new features, gaining hands-on experience with code reviews, testing, and deployment processes.

This experience provided me with valuable insights into agile project management and practical knowledge in .NET development. I was able to apply academic concepts to real-world scenarios, improving both my technical abilities and professional confidence.


  • Received Outstanding Achievement Award for excellence in Software Engineering.

  • Completed Advanced Web Development Course with a top grade of A+.

  • Participated in the National Coding Challenge hackathon and secured 2nd place in the overall competition.

Extracurricular Activities

An active member of the university coding club, participating in regular coding challenges and hackathons. Organized and conducted workshops on .NET development basics for junior students. Volunteered at community tech events to promote technical education and awareness.

Additionally, I am passionate about continuous learning, and I frequently complete online courses and certifications to stay updated with the latest industry trends and technologies.

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