Public Relations Internship Resume

Public Relations Internship Resume

I. Contact Information





LinkedIn Profile:

II. Objective

As an enthusiastic and dedicated student pursuing a degree in Public Relations, I am seeking an internship opportunity to apply my academic knowledge and practical insights. I aim to contribute to the communication strategies of a dynamic organization while honing my skills in media relations, strategic planning, and content development.

Through this internship, I intend to leverage my coursework and extracurricular activity experience to assist in effectively managing an organization's public perception. I am particularly interested in expanding my expertise in crafting compelling narratives, engaging diverse audiences, and collaborating with professionals in the field of public relations.

III. Education

  • Institution: [University Name]

  • Degree: Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations

  • Graduation Date: May [Year]

Relevant Coursework:

  • Introduction to Public Relations

  • Media Writing and Editing

  • Public Relations Campaigns

  • Digital Media Strategies

IV. Experience

Public Relations Intern

  • [Current Company Name]

  • [Year] - Present

  • Drafted and distributed press releases for new product launches.

  • Created and managed content for the company's social media platforms, resulting in a 25% increase in engagement.

  • Assisted in organizing community outreach events, improving public perception of the company.

Public Relations Assistant

  • [Previous Company Name]

  • [Start Date] - [End Date]

  • Conducted research on media trends and presented findings to senior staff.

  • Compiled and analyzed data to evaluate the effectiveness of PR campaigns.

  • Coordinated with media outlets to secure coverage for company events.

V. Skills

  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

  • Proficient in social media management tools (e.g., Hootsuite, Buffer).

  • Strong research and analytical abilities.

  • Experience with Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator).

  • Effective time management and organizational skills.

VI. Extracurricular Activities

  • President, Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) - University of Cityville

    • Organized monthly workshops on various PR topics.

    • Established a mentorship program connecting students with industry professionals.

    • Coordinated annual networking event attended by 100+ PR professionals and students.

  • Volunteer, City Homeless Shelter - Cityville, USA

    • Designed promotional materials that increased event attendance by 30%.

    • Managed social media campaigns that significantly boosted online visibility.

    • Coordinated community events, resulting in greater volunteer engagement.

VII. Certifications and Achievements

  • Certified in Public Relations (CPR) by the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA)

  • Recipient of the University of Cityville Dean's List Award for Fall 2052 and Spring 2053

  • Awarded Best Campaign Strategy in the Public Relations Capstone Project.

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