Fresher Computer Science Resume

Fresher Computer Science Resume



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I. Objective

I am a highly motivated and passionate Fresher Computer Science graduate seeking to leverage my technical skills and theoretical knowledge in a challenging and dynamic environment. I am enthusiastic about opportunities that will allow me to apply my academic background and gain hands-on experience in the fields of software development, data analysis, and system design. I am particularly interested in contributing to innovative projects that make a tangible impact on business operations and customer experiences.

My goal is to join a forward-thinking organization where I can grow as a professional, learn from experienced colleagues, and contribute to the company’s success through dedication, creativity, and continuous improvement. By staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in technology and software engineering practices, I aim to play a key role in developing cutting-edge solutions that solve real-world problems.

II. Education

Degree: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

[University Name]


Relevant Coursework:

  1. Data Structures and Algorithms

  2. Database Management Systems

  3. Operating Systems

  4. Software Engineering

  5. Computer Networks

III. Skills

  • Programming Languages: Java, Python, C++, JavaScript

  • Web Development: HTML, CSS, React.js, Node.js

  • Databases: MySQL, MongoDB

  • Tools and Technologies: Git, Docker, AWS

  • Operating Systems: Windows, Linux

IV. Projects

Project Title: Task Manager Web App

Description: Developed a task management web application using React and Node.js, featuring user authentication, responsive design, and RESTful APIs for seamless task and project management.

Duration: [Date]

Technologies Used: React, Node.js, MongoDB, Express

Project Title: Housing Price Prediction Model

Description: Built a machine learning model in Python and TensorFlow to forecast housing prices, leveraging factors like location and property details. Achieved high accuracy and deployed it as a web service for convenient access.

Duration: [Date]

Technologies Used: Python, TensorFlow, Flask

V. Internships

Company Name: Tech Innovations Inc.

Position: Software Developer Intern

Duration: [Date]


  • Assisted in the development and maintenance of internal tools and applications.

  • Collaborated with senior developers to troubleshoot and resolve software issues.

  • Participated in code reviews and contributed to the improvement of code quality.

  • Conducted research on new technologies to enhance application features.

VI. Certifications

  • Certified Java Programmer – Oracle

  • Google IT Support Professional Certificate – Coursera

  • Introduction to Data Science – edX

VII. Extra-Curricular Activities

Activity 1: Member of the University Coding Club, where I participated in various coding competitions and hackathons, enhancing my problem-solving and teamwork skills.

Activity 2: Volunteered as a tech tutor, assisting fellow students and community members on basic programming concepts, computer usage, and troubleshooting common technical issues.

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