Junior Web Developer Resume

Junior Web Developer Resume





LinkedIn Profile


I. Objective

I am a motivated and dedicated junior web developer with a strong foundation in web technologies and a passion for creating user-friendly, responsive websites. My goal is to leverage my coding skills and problem-solving ability to contribute and to grow professionally within a collaborative team environment.

II. Education

[Your University]

  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

  • Graduation Date: May 2050

  • GPA: 3.8

  • Relevant Coursework: Web Development, JavaScript Programming, Database Management, User Interface Design

  • Honors and Awards: Dean's List (Fall 2050), Outstanding Achievement in Web Development (Spring 2050)

III. Professional Experience

Junior Web Developer Intern | [Your Company Name] | 2055 - Present

  • Contributed to the development of the company's main website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, enhancing the user experience and increasing site traffic by 20%.

  • Collaborated with a team of developers and designers to create responsive and user-friendly interfaces.

  • Assisted in the integration of the REST APIs to improve website functionalities and performance.

  • Debugged and performed code reviews to ensure high-quality production releases.

IV. Technical Skills

  • Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python

  • Frameworks: React, Angular, Node.js

  • Tools: Git, Webpack, Docker

  • Databases: MySQL, MongoDB

  • Other: Responsive Design, REST APIs, Agile Methodology

V. Projects

Portfolio Website

Description: Designed and developed a personal portfolio website to showcase my skills, projects, and experience. Utilized React for front-end development and integrated it with a backend Node.js server.

E-commerce Store

Description: Created a full-featured e-commerce website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Implemented user authentication and handled transactions using Stripe API.

VI. Certifications

  • Certificate Name: Full Stack Web Development Certificate from Online University

  • Certificate Name: Agile Development Certificate from Professional Institute

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