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Beginner Web Developer Resume

Beginner Web Developer Resume



LinkedIn Profile:

I. Career Objective

I am a highly motivated and dedicated individual aspiring to launch my career as a Web Developer. My objective is to leverage my strong foundational knowledge of web development, coupled with creativity and problem-solving skills, to contribute effectively to a dynamic team. I am enthusiastic about engaging in exciting projects and crafting intuitive, engaging web experiences.

II. Education

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science


Graduated: [MONTH, YEAR]

GPA: 3.8/4.0

III. Skills

  • Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Frameworks/Libraries: React, Angular

  • Tools: Git, Webpack

  • Other: Responsive Design, RESTful APIs

IV. Projects

  • Project Name: E-commerce Website

  • Description: Developed a fully functional e-commerce website with user authentication, product catalog, and shopping cart functionality.

  • Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js, MongoDB

  • Major Accomplishments:

  • Implemented secure user authentication using JWT tokens.

  • Designed and developed a responsive layout for seamless user experience across devices.

  • Integrated payment gateway for processing online transactions.

  • Project Name: Portfolio Website

  • Description: Created a personal portfolio website to showcase projects, skills, and contact information.

  • Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap

  • Major Accomplishments:

  • Designed an intuitive and visually appealing user interface.

  • Implemented smooth scrolling and interactive animations using JavaScript.

  • Ensured cross-browser compatibility and responsiveness for optimal performance on different devices.

V. Work Experience

Junior Web Developer


[START DATE] - Present

  • Assisted in developing and maintaining client websites, ensuring functionality and responsiveness.

  • Collaborated with team members to troubleshoot and debug issues, optimizing performance.

  • Participated in code reviews and contributed to the development of best practices and coding standards.

Although my role as a Junior Web Developer was my first professional position in web development, it provided substantial hands-on experience across various facets of the field. This role enabled me to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical environment, thereby enhancing my skills and confidence. My understanding of web development principles and best practices deepened considerably through active involvement in real-world projects.

VI. Certifications and Awards

  • Full Stack Web Development Certification from Udemy, 2053

  • JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification from freeCodeCamp, 2052

Awards and Recognitions

Throughout my academic and professional journey, I have been fortunate to receive several awards and recognitions acknowledging my hard work and dedication. These accolades highlight not only my proficiency and commitment to web development but also my ability to excel in a competitive environment.

  • Academic Excellence Award from XYZ University, 2053

  • Best Web Development Project Award from Tech Solutions Inc., 2054

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