School Salary Memo

School Salary Memo

Date: [Month Day, Year]

To: [All Staff]
From: [Your Name]
Subject: Annual Salary Increase for [Year]

We are pleased to announce the annual salary increase for all staff at [Your Company Name]. This increase reflects our appreciation for your hard work, dedication, and commitment to providing quality education to our students.

Please find the details of the salary increase below:

Staff Category

Previous Salary

New Salary

Increase Percentage

Teaching Staff




Non-Teaching Staff




Administrative Staff




The revised salary structure will come into effect starting [Month Day, Year]. Please note the following important points:

  • Your new salary will be reflected in your paycheck starting [Month Day, Year].

  • The percentage increase is based on your current salary as of [Month Day, Year].

  • Any queries regarding the salary adjustments can be directed to [Your Company Email] or call [Your Company Number].

We appreciate your hard work and dedication over the past year and look forward to another successful year ahead. Thank you for your continued commitment to providing outstanding education and support to our students.

Thank you for your ongoing dedication and hard work.


[Your Name]
[Your Role]
[Your Company Name]

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