Car Wash Equipment Maintenance Log Format

Car Wash Equipment Maintenance Log Format

[Your Company Name]

Equipment Name

Model No.

Last Serviced On

Service Performed

Performed By

Next Service Due


Pressure Washer



Full maintenance check

John Doe


No issues detected

Vacuum System

Filter replacement

Conveyor System

Lubrication of tracks

Dryer Blowers

Motor inspection

Water Pumps

Pressure check and sealing

Wax Applicators

Replace wax pads

Instructions for Use:

  • Equipment Name: Specify the type of equipment.

  • Model No.: Provide the model number for reference.

  • Last Serviced On: Date when the equipment was last serviced.

  • Service Performed: Detail the type of maintenance or service performed.

  • Performed By: Name of the technician or employee who performed the service.

  • Next Service Due: Anticipated date for the next maintenance service.

  • Notes: Additional observations or actions taken during the service.

Monthly Maintenance Summary:

  • Total Services Performed:                               

  • Issues Reported:                               

  • Upcoming Maintenance Needs:                               

Reviewed by Maintenance Supervisor:



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