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Church Bible Study Program Outline

Church Bible Study Program Outline

I. Introduction

A. Welcome and Opening Prayer

  • Brief welcome message

  • Opening prayer for guidance and wisdom

B. Overview of the Bible Study Program

  • Purpose and goals of the program

  • Expected outcomes for participants

C. Program Structure

  • Duration and frequency of sessions

  • Overview of topics to be covered

II. Session Format

A. Opening Remarks

  • Introduction to the session’s theme

  • Brief review of previous session

B. Scripture Reading

  • Passage(s) for study

  • Historical and cultural context

C. Discussion Topics

  • Key themes and lessons from the scripture

  • Guided discussion questions

  • Personal reflections and group sharing

D. Teaching Segment

  • In-depth analysis by the leader or guest speaker

  • Practical applications for daily life

E. Interactive Activities

  • Group activities or exercises related to the session’s topic

  • Creative methods to engage participants

F. Closing

  • Summary of key points

  • Prayer and reflection time

  • Announcement of next session details

III. Program Schedule

A. Weekly Sessions

  • Dates and times of sessions

  • Topics and scripture passages for each week

B. Special Events

  • Guest speakers or special presentations

  • Community service or outreach activities

IV. Participant Resources

A. Study Materials

  • Recommended books and resources

  • Handouts and worksheets

B. Online Resources

  • Website or app for additional study materials

  • Links to relevant articles or videos

C. Contact Information

  • Leader’s contact details for questions or support

  • Group communication channels (email, social media, etc.)

V. Evaluation and Feedback

A. Participant Feedback

  • Methods for gathering feedback (surveys, suggestion box, etc.)

  • Frequency of feedback collection

B. Program Evaluation

  • Review of program effectiveness and impact

  • Adjustments and improvements based on feedback

C. Success Stories

  • Sharing testimonials and experiences from participants

VI. Conclusion

A. Final Remarks

  • Summary of the program’s impact

  • Words of encouragement and motivation

B. Invitation to Future Programs

  • Information on upcoming Bible study programs or events

  • Encouragement to invite others to join

C. Closing Prayer

  • Final prayer to bless the participants and their journey

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