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Media Call Log

Media Call Log

This log is designed to document and track media inquiries regarding the launch of a new product. It ensures that all interactions with journalists are recorded accurately and that responses are provided in a timely manner.

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

Date: [DATE]

Log Overview

Date and Time

Journalist Name

Media Outlet

Contact Number

Inquiry Details

01/01/2050, 10:00 AM

Jane Smith

Tech Today

(555) 123-4567

Requested details on the new product’s features and release date.

01/02/2050, 02:30 PM

John Doe

Innovation Weekly

(555) 234-5678

Asked for an interview with the product manager.

01/03/2050, 11:15 AM

Emily Johnson

Future Tech News

(555) 345-6789

Inquired about the target market and pricing strategy.

01/04/2050, 09:45 AM

Michael Lee

Gadget Guru

(555) 456-7890

Wanted to know about the sustainability features of the product.

01/05/2050, 01:20 PM

Sarah Williams

Tech Trends

(555) 567-8901

Asked for high-resolution images for their article.

Notes & Reminders

  • Ensure all inquiries are logged promptly and accurately.

  • Provide comprehensive responses to all media inquiries to maintain good relations.

  • Regularly update the log to track the status of each inquiry and response.

  • Use this log to prepare for any potential media coverage and to monitor the impact of the new product launch.

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