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Cost Decision Log

Cost Decision Log

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

Date: [DATE]

The Cost Decision Log is designed to document decisions related to costs and budget adjustments for projects, operations, or strategic planning. Created by project managers, operations managers, or executives, this log helps track and analyze cost impacts to support effective financial management and planning.

Log Table



Cost Impact


Decision Maker


Increase project budget by 10%

$50,000 increase

Additional resources required to meet project milestones

Sarah Johnson


Cut marketing expenses by 15%

$20,000 reduction

Lower-than-expected campaign performance

Michael Lee


Invest in new technology for operations

$75,000 investment

Technology expected to improve operational efficiency

Emily Davis


Delay office renovation project

$30,000 deferred

Current budget constraints and shifting priorities

John Smith


Outsource IT support to reduce costs

$40,000 annual savings

In-house IT costs exceeded budget

Laura White


  • Update Regularly: Keep the log current by documenting all cost decisions and their outcomes promptly.

  • Review Cost Impacts: Regularly assess the financial impact of decisions to ensure alignment with budget goals.

  • Evaluate Rationale: Revisit the rationale behind decisions to verify their effectiveness and adapt as needed.

  • Communicate Changes: Inform relevant stakeholders about significant cost adjustments to maintain transparency.

  • Track Adjustments: Monitor budget adjustments and their impact on project and operational performance for continuous improvement.

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