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Road Call Log

Road Call Log

This log is designed to document calls related to road incidents. It helps in tracking the date, time, and location of incidents, along with the caller's information. By detailing the incident description and follow-up actions, it ensures thorough record-keeping and efficient incident management.

Date & Time


Caller Information

Incident Description

Follow-Up Actions

07/20/2054, 09:15 AM

5th Ave & Main St

John Doe, (555) 123-4567

Minor car accident, no injuries, blocked intersection.

Police called, tow truck dispatched.

07/21/2054, 02:30 PM

Elm St & 7th Ave

Jane Smith, (555) 987 6543

Broken-down vehicle, causing traffic jam.

Mechanic contacted, traffic redirected.

07/22/2054, 11:45 PM

Maple St & 3rd Ave

Mike Johnson, (555) 555 5555

Pedestrian hit by car, minor injuries reported.

Ambulance called, police on site.

07/23/2054, 08:20 AM

Pine St & 6th Ave

Emily White, (555) 321-4321

Pothole causing tire damage to multiple cars.

Public works notified, temporary signage placed.

07/24/2054, 04:05 PM

Oak St & 2nd Ave

Sarah Brown, (555) 654-3210

Traffic light malfunctioning, leading to confusion and delays.

Traffic management team informed, repairs underway.


  1. Ensure all information is accurate and complete.

  2. Regularly update the log to reflect any new incidents or follow-up actions.

  3. Use this log to analyze patterns in road incidents and identify areas for improvement.

  4. Maintain confidentiality of caller information as required.

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

Date: [DATE]

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