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Project Management Decision Log

Project Management Decision Log

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

Date: [DATE]

To document and track key decisions made throughout the project lifecycle. This log ensures transparency and accountability in decision-making. It provides a reference for understanding the rationale behind each decision and its impact on the project. Maintaining this log helps in evaluating decision outcomes and informing future project strategies.


Decision Description

Responsible Party




Approved scope change to include additional features.

Jane Doe, Project Manager

Market research showed additional features increase satisfaction.

Extends timeline by 2 weeks; potential 15% revenue increase.


Selected Vendor A for software development over Vendor B.

John Smith, Procurement Lead

Vendor A offers better solutions and support.

10% higher initial cost but lower long-term support costs.


Revised budget to cover unexpected material cost increase.

Sarah Lee, Financial Analyst

Material prices rose unexpectedly; budget needed adjustment.

5% budget increase; affects project margin but prevents delays.


Implemented agile methodology for the project.

Mark Thompson, Project Lead

Agile improves flexibility and client responsiveness.

Boosts collaboration and iteration speed, enhancing quality.


Reassigned team members to align with project phases.

Emily Johnson, HR Manager

Realignment optimizes efficiency and addresses skill gaps.

Increased productivity and faster phase completions.


  • Review decisions quarterly to ensure alignment with project goals.

  • Document any follow-up actions or changes resulting from these decisions.

  • Assess the impact of major decisions on overall project progress and adjust as needed.

  • Ensure all stakeholders are informed of significant decisions and their implications.

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