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Church Janitorial Service Contract Layout

Church Janitorial Service Contract Layout

I. The Parties

(Identify the names and contact information of both the Church and the Service Provider. Describe the roles and responsibilities of each party in the context of this agreement.)

II. Services Provided

A. Detailed List of Services

(Outline the specific janitorial services to be provided, such as cleaning floors, dusting surfaces, sanitizing restrooms, and taking out the trash. Be as detailed as possible.)

B. Service Schedule

(Specify the days and times when services will be performed. Ensure to include any special schedules for events or holidays.)

C. Equipment and Supplies

(Indicate whether the Service Provider or the Church will supply the necessary cleaning equipment and materials. List any specific brands or types required, if applicable.)

D. Additional Services

(Mention any additional services that may be required on an as-needed basis and how these services will be requested and billed.)

III. Payment Terms

A. Payment Amount

(Detail the agreed-upon payment for the janitorial services rendered. Include whether it will be a flat fee, hourly rate, or per visit amount.)

B. Payment Schedule

(State when payments are due, such as upon completion of services, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Include any late fees or interest for overdue payments.)

IV. Term and Termination

A. Contract Duration

(Specify the starting date and ending date of the agreement. Indicate if the contract will automatically renew or require renegotiation.)

B. Termination Clause

(Outline the conditions under which either party may terminate the contract. Include required notice period and any penalties or fees associated with early termination.)

V. Liability and Insurance

A. Liability Coverage

(Describe the liability coverage provided by the Service Provider, including any limitations. State any obligations of the Church regarding liability.)

B. Insurance Requirements

(Specify any insurance policies that the Service Provider must maintain, including types and coverage amounts. Mention if proof of insurance is required.)

VI. Confidentiality

A. Confidential Information

(Define what constitutes confidential information within the scope of this agreement. Include examples such as church member data or private events.)

B. Disclosure Restrictions

(State that the Service Provider agrees not to disclose any confidential information to third parties. Include how breaches of confidentiality will be handled.)

VII. Dispute Resolution

A. Mediation

(Encourage the use of mediation as the first step in resolving any disputes. Detail how a mediator will be chosen and the timeframe for mediation.)

B. Arbitration

(If mediation fails, specify arbitration as the next step. Include how an arbitrator will be selected and that the decision will be binding.)

VIII. Amendments

A. Written Amendments

(State that any changes to the contract must be made in writing and signed by both parties. Mention that verbal agreements are not considered valid.)

B. Modification Process

(Detail the process for requesting amendments to the contract, including how notice should be given and the timeframe for response.)

IX. Miscellaneous

A. Governing Law

(Specify the state laws that will govern the interpretation and enforcement of this contract. Mention any jurisdictional or venue issues.)

B. Entire Agreement

(Declare that this contract represents the entire agreement between the parties. State that it supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and agreements.)

X. Notices

A. Method of Delivery

(Specify acceptable methods for delivering notices, such as by mail or email. Include the contact information for both parties.)

B. Notice Period

(Detail the required notice period for various actions, such as amendments, termination, or requests for additional services.)

XI. Signatures

(Include spaces for the authorized representatives of both parties to sign and date the agreement. Indicate that their signatures bind them to the terms specified in the contract.)

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