Free Project Action Log Template



Free Project Action Log Template

Project Action Log

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]
Date: [DATE]

The Project Action Log is designed to track and manage tasks essential to the successful completion of a project. It ensures that all actions are clearly defined, assigned to the responsible person, and completed within set deadlines, thereby promoting accountability and efficient project execution.

Responsible Person

Action Description


Due Date


Project Manager

Develop project charter

Define project scope and objectives


In Progress

Stakeholder Analyst

Identify project stakeholders

Recognize key individuals or groups affected by the project


Not Started

Project Coordinator

Establish project milestones

Set key performance targets and deadlines



Risk Manager

Create risk management plan

Identify potential risks and mitigation strategies


In Progress

Project Coordinator

Schedule project kickoff meeting

Initiate project and align team on goals


Not Started

Notes & Reminders:

  1. Regular Updates: Continuously update the log with new tasks and status changes to keep it current and reflective of actual progress.

  2. Clear Assignment: Ensure each action is assigned to a specific individual or team to maintain accountability and clarity.

  3. Adherence to Deadlines: Monitor due dates closely to ensure tasks are completed on time, adjusting plans if necessary to meet deadlines.

  4. Effective Communication: Share the log with relevant stakeholders to provide visibility into progress and address any changes or issues.

  5. Review and Adjust: Periodically review and revise the log as needed to accommodate project changes, evolving priorities, or new information.

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