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Disciplinary Action Log

Disciplinary Action Log

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

Date: [DATE]

The Disciplinary Action Log serves as a systematic record for documenting employee misconduct and the corresponding disciplinary measures. This log captures essential details about each incident, including the date it occurred, the employee involved, the nature of the issue, the disciplinary action taken, and any required follow-up actions. It is used by HR teams and legal representatives to ensure transparency and consistency in handling policy violations and performance problems. The log helps maintain a clear and organized record of disciplinary actions, supporting effective management and compliance with company policies.

Incident Date

Employee ID & Name

Issue Description

Disciplinary Measure

Follow-Up Actions


001 - John Doe

Repeated lateness; 4 instances in one month.

Verbal warning; Improvement plan issued.

Review attendance in 30 days.


002 - Jane Smith

Failure to meet performance targets for two consecutive quarters.

Written warning; Performance review scheduled.

Follow-up performance review in 60 days.


003 - Mike Johnson

Inappropriate conduct towards a colleague.

Suspension without pay for 1 week.

Monitor behavior and conduct review in 90 days.


004 - Emily Davis

Violation of company policy regarding confidential information.

Termination of employment.



005 - Robert Brown

Frequent absenteeism without valid reasons.

Final warning; Probation period initiated.

Review attendance in 60 days.


  • Ensure all disciplinary actions are documented clearly and objectively.

  • Track and review follow-up actions within the specified timeframes.

  • Maintain confidentiality of the records and restrict access to authorized personnel.

  • Regularly update the log to reflect any additional actions or changes.

  • Periodically review the log for consistency and adherence to company policies.

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