Free Life Coach Assessment Form Template


Free Life Coach Assessment Form Template

Life Coach Assessment Form

Please complete this form to evaluate and identify the needs, goals, and progress of clients in life coaching sessions.

Full Name


      Phone number

        What are your main goals or areas of focus that you would like to work on with a life coach?

        What challenges or barriers are currently preventing you from reaching your goals?

        How committed are you to making changes in your life to achieve your goals?

          • Very committed

          • Somewhat committed

          • Not sure

          • Not committed

          How would you rate your current level of satisfaction with your life overall?

          On the scale of 1-10, how motivated are you to make changes and take action towards your goals?

          Is there any additional information you would like to share with your life coach?

          Assessment Form Template @

          Thank you for submission!

          We appreciate you taking the time to submit.

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