Charity Donation Tracker

Charity Donation Tracker

I. Tracker Overview

A Charity Donation Tracker is an essential tool for anyone involved in charitable giving. It allows users to systematically record all donations, ensuring that they can monitor their contributions effectively. This tracking system is particularly beneficial during tax season, helping donors gather all necessary information without the hassle of searching through numerous receipts or statements.

II. User Information


[Your Name]

Company Name

[Your Company Name]




January 15, 2050

III. Donation Details

Donation Date

Charity Name

Amount Donated

Payment Method


March 15, 2050

Local Food Bank


Credit Card

Monthly contribution

April 10, 2050

Animal Shelter



In honor of my pet

IV. Summary Statistics

A. Total Donations

  • Total Amount Donated: $150

  • Number of Donations: 2

B. Annual Contributions


Total Donations

Average Donation




V. Tax Information

  • Tax Year: 2050

  • Deductible Amount: $150

Keeping track of tax-related information is crucial for maximizing deductions. In this section, users can specify the tax year for which they are preparing their records. This helps in organizing information and makes it easier when filing taxes.

The deductible amount allows users to quickly reference how much they can claim. Having this information readily available can simplify the tax preparation process, ensuring that no eligible deductions are overlooked.

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