Free Preschool Bible Lesson Plan Template



Free Preschool Bible Lesson Plan Template

Preschool Bible Lesson Plan

Teacher: [Your Name]

Email: [Your Email]

Date: May 12, 2060


This lesson plan is designed to introduce preschool children to key biblical stories and concepts. The aim is to foster early spiritual development and understanding in a fun and engaging manner.

Lesson Outline

1. Welcome and Introduction

  • Greeting and Gathering

  • Opening Prayer

  • Introduction to the Bible Story

2. Bible Story Presentation

  • Storytelling with Visual Aids

  • Interactive Questions

3. Activities



Materials Needed

Coloring Bible Pages

Children color pictures related to the Bible story.

Coloring pages, crayons

Story Reenactment

Acting out the story with simple costumes.

Costumes, props


Bible-based songs and hymns for children.

Audio player, song lyrics

4. Snack Time

  • Provide snacks that are simple and allergy-aware.

  • Discuss the moral of the story during snack time.

5. Closing

  • Recap of the Lesson

  • Closing Prayer

  • Goodbye Song

Details for the Educator

  • Age Group: 3-5 years old

  • Duration: 45 minutes to 1 hour

  • Location: Classroom or Children’s Church area

  • Materials: Bibles (children’s version), visual aids, coloring supplies, snacks, costumes, and audio equipment.

Evaluation and Reflection

After the lesson, assess the children's understanding and engagement. Reflect on what worked well and what could be improved for future lessons.

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