Project-Based Stakeholder Engagement Plan

Project-Based Stakeholder Engagement Plan

Prepared By: [Your Name]
Company Name: [Your Company Name]
Date: October 9, 2050

Project Overview

Project Name: Community Park Development Project
Project Description: This project aims to design and develop a community park that includes playgrounds, walking trails, and green spaces to enhance recreational opportunities for residents and promote community engagement.
Project Timeline: January 1, 2051, to December 31, 2051

1. Stakeholder Identification

1.1. Key Stakeholders



Influence Level

Interest Level

Engagement Strategy

Local Residents

Users of the park; have a direct impact on the design



Community meetings, surveys, and feedback forms

City Council

Approves funding and permits



Regular updates through presentations and reports

Local Businesses

Potential sponsors and users of park facilities



Meetings and partnership proposals

Environmental Groups

Advocate for sustainable practices



Collaborative workshops and discussions

City Planning Department

Regulatory oversight and project approval



Regular meetings to discuss project progress

1.2. Stakeholder Analysis

  • Influence/Interest Matrix: A visual representation categorizing stakeholders based on their influence and interest, identifying key stakeholders that require focused engagement efforts.

  • Stakeholder Profiles: Detailed descriptions of each key stakeholder group, outlining their specific interests and potential challenges in the project.

2. Engagement Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: Build community support for the park development project.

  • Objective 1: Conduct at least three community meetings by June 2051 to gather input and feedback from residents.

  • Objective 2: Achieve at least 75% positive feedback from residents in post-meeting surveys.

Goal 2: Ensure regulatory compliance and secure necessary approvals.

  • Objective 1: Submit all required documentation to the City Planning Department by April 2051.

  • Objective 2: Obtain funding approval from the City Council by August 2051.

3. Engagement Strategies and Activities

3.1. Communication Methods


Communication Method



Feedback Mechanism

Local Residents

Community meetings


Project Manager

Post-meeting surveys

City Council

Presentation updates


Project Coordinator

Formal feedback requests

Local Businesses

Direct meetings


Community Liaison

Partnership proposal feedback

Environmental Groups


As needed

Environmental Consultant

Workshop feedback forms

City Planning Department

Progress reports


Project Manager

Meetings for discussion

3.2. Planned Engagement Activities

Activity 1: Community Meetings

  • Purpose: To present project updates, gather input, and address concerns from residents.

  • Target Audience: Residents, and community leaders.

  • Expected Outcomes: Increased community support and actionable feedback for project improvements.

Activity 2: Workshops with Environmental Groups

  • Purpose: To discuss sustainable practices and gather recommendations for the park's design.

  • Target Audience: Environmental advocates, and park planners.

  • Expected Outcomes: Enhanced design that aligns with environmental standards and community values.

4. Roles and Responsibilities



Project Manager

Oversee project implementation and stakeholder engagement

Community Liaison

Organize community meetings and gather feedback

Environmental Consultant

Facilitate workshops with environmental groups

Project Coordinator

Liaison with the City Council and Planning Department

5. Monitoring and Evaluation

5.1. Evaluation Metrics



Number of attendees at community meetings

50+ attendees per meeting

Percentage of positive feedback collected through surveys

75% positive responses

5.2. Feedback and Adaptation

  • Feedback Mechanisms: Surveys and feedback forms collected after meetings and workshops.

  • Adaptation Process: Monthly review meetings with the project team to discuss feedback and adjust engagement strategies as needed.

6. Budget and Resources



Estimated Cost

Venue Rental

Rental cost for community meeting spaces


Workshop Materials

Supplies and materials for workshops


Marketing Materials

Flyers and online advertisements for events


Consultant Fees

Fees for environmental consultant services


7. Timeline of Engagement Activities


Start Date

End Date


Community Meetings

January 15, 2051

December 15, 2051

Project Manager

Workshops with Environmental Groups

March 1, 2051

October 1, 2051

Environmental Consultant

Progress Reports to City Council

February 1, 2051

November 1, 2051

Project Coordinator


The success of this Project-Based Stakeholder Engagement Plan relies on active participation, open communication, and a commitment to addressing stakeholder needs and concerns. Regular monitoring and evaluation will ensure the plan remains effective throughout the project lifecycle.

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