Free Employee Misconduct Report Template

Employee Misconduct Report

1. Incident Overview

On the afternoon of October 15, 2023, an incident of employee misconduct occurred at [Your Company Name]’s headquarters, located at 123 Business Ave, New York, NY. The incident involved a violation of company policies by an employee, prompting a thorough review and the implementation of necessary disciplinary actions.

Employee Information

  • Employee Name: Trace Durgan

  • Employee ID: 456789

  • Position: Sales Representative

  • Department: Sales

2. Incident Details

The misconduct occurred on October 15, 2023, at approximately 2:00 PM in the main sales office on the 5th floor. The following actions were observed:

  • Verbal Misconduct: Trace Durgan was overheard using inappropriate and offensive language directed towards a colleague, Jolie Cassin, leading to a disturbance in the office.

  • Disruption of Workflow: The altercation caused a noticeable disruption, affecting the work environment of nearby employees.

  • Eyewitness Accounts: Several employees, as well as a department supervisor, confirmed the details of the event.

3. Witness Statements

  • Jolie Cassin (Colleague): Verified that the language used by John Doe was offensive and without provocation.

  • Mike Johnson (Supervisor): Reported that he immediately intervened to de-escalate the situation.

  • Sarah Lewis (Colleague): Corroborated the timeline and nature of the incident, confirming the events as described.

4. Immediate Actions Taken

  • Intervention: Supervisor Mike Johnson quickly intervened and separated the individuals involved.

  • Temporary Suspension: Trace Durgan was instructed to leave the office for the remainder of the day and was informed to await further communication regarding the next steps.

  • HR Notification: The Human Resources department was promptly notified and an investigation was initiated.

5. Policy Violations

The actions of Trace Durgan directly violated the following company policies:

  • Workplace Conduct Policy: Engaging in unprofessional behavior, including the use of inappropriate language.

  • Workplace Harmony Policy: Creating an uncomfortable and disruptive atmosphere, negatively impacting the productivity and well-being of colleagues.

6. Next Steps

  • Formal Investigation: A comprehensive investigation will be conducted to gather additional details, including any mitigating or aggravating factors.

  • Employee Meeting: A meeting with Trace Durgan will be scheduled to review the findings of the investigation and provide him with the opportunity to explain his actions.

  • Disciplinary Action: Appropriate disciplinary measures, under [Your Company Name]’s policies, will be determined based on the findings.

  • Training & Preventive Measures: Additional workplace conduct training sessions will be organized for the entire department to prevent similar incidents and reinforce the company’s behavioral expectations.

Confidentiality Notice

This report has been documented for internal records and will remain confidential. It is intended for the involved parties, HR, and relevant management personnel only.

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