Free Family Emergency Plan Template
Family Emergency Plan
Emergencies can happen unexpectedly, so it's crucial for every family to have a comprehensive emergency plan in place. This document outlines steps and supplies necessary to ensure the safety and preparedness of your family during unexpected events.
Emergency Contacts
It's important to have a list of essential emergency contacts readily available for all family members. Ensure that everyone knows where this list is located.
Contact |
Name |
Phone Number |
Address |
Local Emergency Number |
911 |
911 |
N/A |
Police Department |
Main Town Police |
(123) 456-7890 |
123 Main St, Anytown, USA |
Fire Department |
Main Town Fire Dept |
(123) 456-7891 |
456 Elm St, Anytown, USA |
Family Doctor |
Dr. Jane Smith |
(123) 456-7892 |
789 Maple St, Anytown, USA |
Out-of-Town Contact |
John Doe |
(987) 654-3210 |
987 Spruce Lane, Othertown, USA |
Meeting Locations
Designate two specific meeting locations where family members can reunite if separated during an emergency.
1. Near Home: ABC Park at the corner of 1st Avenue and Main Street
2. Outside Local Area: DEF Community Center, 321 Oak Lane, Othertown, USA
Communication Plan
During an emergency, effective communication is essential. Here are the steps to ensure all family members can communicate effectively:
Ensure all family members have each other's phone numbers programmed in their phones.
Agree on a method of communication if phone services are down, such as text, email, or social media.
Check in with the designated out-of-town contact to relay information to other family members.
Disaster Supply Kit
Prepare a disaster supply kit that contains essential items for survival in case of an evacuation or extended stay at home:
Water: One gallon per person per day for at least three days.
Food: At least a three-day supply of non-perishable items.
Battery-powered or hand-crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert.
Flashlight and extra batteries.
First aid kit.
Whistle to signal for help.
Dust mask to help filter contaminated air, plastic sheeting, and duct tape to shelter in place.
Moist towelettes, garbage bags, and plastic ties for personal sanitation.
Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities.
Manual can opener for food.
Local maps.
Evacuation Plan
Develop a clear evacuation plan in case you need to leave your home quickly:
Choose evacuation routes in advance and make sure each family member knows them.
Keep the car's gas tank at least half full at all times.
Identify places you could go in an emergency, such as a hotel, friend's house, or shelter.
Consider how you will transport your pets if necessary.
Important Documents
Ensure that all critical documents are safe and accessible during an emergency:
Store copies of important documents in an easy-to-carry, waterproof container.
Include identification cards, insurance policies, medical records, and bank information.
Review and Practice
No plan is effective unless it is practiced regularly. Schedule regular family meetings to review and practice the emergency plan:
Conduct drills every six months to ensure everyone knows what to do.
Update the plan as necessary based on family changes, new information, or seasonal hazards.