Free Blank Employee Refresher Training Plan Template



Free Blank Employee Refresher Training Plan Template

Blank Employee Refresher Training Plan

1. Training Objective

The goal of this refresher training is to ensure that employees are up-to-date on essential skills, knowledge, and procedures required for their job roles. This training focuses on reinforcing key areas that enhance performance, safety, and compliance.

2. Training Topics

List the topics to be covered during the refresher training

  • Topic 1:                               

  • Topic 2:                               

  • Topic 3:                               

  • Topic 4:                               

  • Topic 5:                               

3. Training Methods

Describe the methods that will be used to deliver the training

  • Instructor-led Sessions

  • Online Modules/Interactive Learning

  • Workshops and Group Discussions

  • Hands-on Practice/Simulations

  • Quizzes and Assessments

4. Training Schedule

(Outline the schedule and time allocated for each session)




Trainer Name

















5. Learning Outcomes

By the end of the refresher training, employees will be able to:





6. Assessment and Evaluation

Include any evaluations or assessments to gauge the effectiveness of the training

  • Pre-Training Knowledge Check: Yes / No

  • Post-Training Quiz: Yes / No

  • Practical Assessment: Yes / No

  • Feedback Survey: Yes / No

7. Follow-Up Actions

Specify any follow-up activities after the training

  • Regular performance checks

  • Refresher sessions at specific intervals

  • One-on-one reviews or coaching

  • Additional resources provided (manuals, documents, etc.)

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