Standing Order Letter
Standing Order Letter
November 11, 2050
The Branch Manager
ABC Bank
456 Bank Avenue
Hometown, 67890
Dear Sir/Madam,
I hereby request you to set up a standing order on my account with your bank for the following transaction:
Amount: One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00)
Beneficiary’s Name: XYZ Utilities Ltd.
Beneficiary's Account Number: 9876543210
Bank Name: XYZ Bank
Sort Code: 11-22-33
Frequency of Payment: Monthly
Payment Start Date: January 1, 2050
Reference/Details of Payment: Monthly Utility Bill
I authorize you to make this payment from my account:
Account Number: 1234567890
Sort Code: 01-23-45
Please ensure the payment is made on or around the 1st of each month until further notice.
Kindly confirm when the standing order has been successfully set up.
Thank you for your assistance in processing this request.
Yours faithfully,
[Your Name]
[Your Email]