Free 90-Day Disaster Preparedness Plan Template



Free 90-Day Disaster Preparedness Plan Template

90-Day Disaster Preparedness Plan


This 90-Day Disaster Preparedness Plan has been developed by [YOUR COMPANY NAME] to guide individuals, families, organizations, and communities in preparing for potential disasters. The plan is designed to be implemented over three months, allowing for a systematic and thorough approach to disaster preparedness. It covers essential activities, resource allocation, and strategies to ensure safety, minimize disruptions, and promote recovery during emergencies.

Phase 1: First 30 Days – Laying the Foundation


  • Establish a preparedness baseline.

  • Create communication and response plans.

  • Assemble essential supplies.

Action Steps:




Risk Assessment

Days 1-3

Identify potential disasters and vulnerabilities.

Communication Plan

Days 4-7

Create an emergency contact list and meeting points.

Emergency Supplies

Days 8-14

Assemble a 72-hour emergency kit.

Training and Education

Days 15-20

Train in first aid and CPR.

Evacuation Routes

Days 21-30

Review evacuation plans and conduct drills.

Phase 2: Day 31-60 – Strengthening Preparedness


  • Enhance skills and expand resources.

  • Integrate preparedness into organizational operations.

Action Steps:




Expand Emergency Kits

Days 31-35

Add tools and specialized supplies.

Facility Safety Improvements

Days 36-45

Secure furniture and install safety equipment.

Community Engagement

Days 46-50

Join local initiatives and identify shelters.

Special Needs Preparation

Days 51-55

Create plans for vulnerable individuals.

Insurance Review

Days 56-60

Update policies and document assets.

Phase 3: Day 61-90 – Finalizing and Testing


  • Conduct drills and refine the plan.

  • Ensure full preparedness and confidence in the system.

Action Steps:




Conduct Full Drills

Days 61-70

Organize evacuation and shelter drills.

Plan Evaluation

Days 71-75

Assess and refine the plan.

Stockpile Review

Days 76-80

Check expiry dates and rotate supplies.

Backup Data

Days 81-85

Store digital and physical backups.

Stay Informed

Days 86-90

Monitor updates from emergency agencies.

Maintenance and Continuous Improvement

Post-90 Days

  • Regularly review and update the plan every six months or after significant events.

  • Replenish emergency supplies and conduct annual disaster drills.

  • Foster continuous engagement with community preparedness initiatives and collaborate with local organizations.

By implementing this 90-Day Disaster Preparedness Plan, [YOUR COMPANY NAME] aims to enhance resilience, ensure the safety of individuals, and minimize the impact of disasters on operations and communities. This plan provides the foundation for a proactive approach to disaster management, leading to quicker recovery and sustained operations during unforeseen events.

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