Free Evacuation Plan for Earthquake Template



Free Evacuation Plan for Earthquake Template

Earthquake Evacuation Plan

Prepared by: [Your Name]

I. Overview

The purpose of this Earthquake Evacuation Plan is to outline the steps and procedures necessary to ensure the safety of personnel at [Your Company Name], located at [Your Company Address], in the event of an earthquake. The plan includes the procedures for evacuating employees, as well as steps to take during and after the earthquake.

The plan should be reviewed regularly and updated as necessary. All employees are encouraged to familiarize themselves with this document and its procedures.

II. Earthquake Preparedness

Emergency Contacts

It is crucial that all employees have access to a list of emergency contacts. This includes:



Phone Number

Email Address

Jonatan Farrell

Fire Warden

[Your Company Number]

[Your Company Email]

Winona Harvey

Fire Warden

[Your Company Number]

[Your Company Email]

Beverly Haley

Fire Warden

[Your Company Number]

[Your Company Email]

Evacuation Routes

In the event of an earthquake, employees must be familiar with the nearest evacuation routes. These routes should be clearly marked throughout the office. A map of the evacuation routes is provided in the [Your Company Name] office space.

Important Points:

  • Ensure that exits remain unobstructed at all times.

  • Designated safe zones must be utilized for gathering after evacuation.

III. During the Earthquake

When the earthquake occurs, the following actions should be immediately taken:

  1. Stay Calm: It is essential to remain as calm as possible. Panicking can result in accidents and confusion.

  2. Drop, Cover, and Hold On: Employees should immediately take cover under sturdy furniture or in doorways. If no cover is available, crouch low to the ground, protecting the head and neck.

  3. Do Not Use Elevators: Elevators should not be used during or after the earthquake, as they may become inoperable or malfunction.

IV. Post-Earthquake Actions

Evacuation Procedures

After the shaking stops, evacuating the building promptly is critical. Employees must proceed to the nearest exit and avoid using elevators. The following procedures should be followed:

  1. Exit the Building Safely: Walk calmly to the designated evacuation routes. Ensure others are not trapped or injured.

  2. Meet at Safe Zone: Once outside, employees should gather at the predetermined safe zone.

  3. Roll Call: Once gathered, a roll call will be conducted by [Your Name], and any missing persons will be reported immediately.

Safety Checks

Once outside, safety teams should be assigned to check the building for structural damage or hazards. Emergency response teams will provide further instructions based on the situation.

V. Communication Plan

In the event of an earthquake, communication is vital. [Your Name] will be the primary contact for all employees. The following communication procedures should be followed:

  1. Use of Cell Phones: If possible, use cell phones to communicate with emergency contacts. Be mindful of battery life and availability.

  2. Email Communication: After the event, [Your Company Email] will be used for follow-up communication.

VI. Review and Update

The earthquake evacuation plan will be reviewed annually, or more frequently if necessary, to ensure that it remains effective. Any changes or updates will be communicated to all employees.

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