Free Evacuation Plan for Hurricane Template



Free Evacuation Plan for Hurricane Template

Evacuation Plan for Hurricane

Prepared by: [Your Name]
Date: January 6, 2050

I. Purpose and Objectives

The evacuation plan is designed to ensure the safety of all personnel at [Your Company Name] during a hurricane. The key objectives include the orderly evacuation of all staff, securing business-critical equipment, and ensuring clear communication.

II. Evacuation Procedure


In the event of a hurricane, employees will be notified via [Your Company Email] and [Your Company Number].

Evacuation Routes

Employees must follow designated evacuation routes to assembly points.

Evacuation Routes


Evacuation Route

Assembly Point


North Entrance

123 Main St, Shelter A


South Entrance

456 Elm St, Shelter B

III. Shelter and Safety Measures


Designated shelters are 123 Main St and 456 Elm St, equipped with first aid kits and emergency supplies.

Safety Equipment

Ensure each employee carries a personal emergency kit with water, flashlight, and medications.

IV. Roles and Responsibilities

Emergency Response Team

Key personnel:

  • Jonatan Farrell – Evacuation Leader

  • Winona Harvey – Evacuation Support

The ERT will ensure all employees are safely evacuated and accounted for.

V. Communication Plan

Emergency communication will be handled through [Your Company Email] and [Your Company Number] to provide real-time updates and instructions.

VI. Post-Evacuation Protocol

After evacuation, the ERT will conduct a headcount and ensure everyone is safe.

Additional Information

For more details, contact [Your Name] at [Your Email].

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