Free Small Office Evacuation Plan Outline Template
Small Office Evacuation Plan Outline
1. Introduction
Purpose of the Plan
Importance of Evacuation Safety
Office Details (Size, Layout, Number of Employees)
2. Emergency Procedures
Evacuation Signal: Audible alarm or emergency alert system
Initial Actions: Employees must stop work and proceed to the nearest exit
Primary and Secondary Evacuation Routes
Assembly Points: Safe areas outside the building
3. Roles and Responsibilities
Evacuation Coordinators: Person responsible for managing the evacuation process (e.g., Jonatan Farrell)
Fire Wardens: Ensure employees evacuate safely and check all areas (e.g., Winona Harvey, Beverly Haley)
Employees: Follow the evacuation routes and instructions
4. Special Considerations
People with Disabilities: Provide additional assistance if necessary
Visitors: Evacuation protocols for guests
5. Equipment and Supplies
First Aid Kits: Locations and accessibility
Emergency Lighting: Functionality during power outages
Fire Extinguishers: Properly placed and maintained
6. Training and Drills
Frequency of Evacuation Drills
Employee Responsibilities During Drills
Updates on Evacuation Plan
7. Communication
Internal Communication: Emergency contacts and channels
External Communication: Contact emergency services (fire department, etc.)
8. Post-Evacuation Procedure
Head Count: Ensuring everyone is accounted for
Reporting: Incident reports and follow-up procedures
9. Review and Updates
Periodic Review of Evacuation Plan
Changes in Office Layout or Staff