Free Emergency Relocation Plan Template



Free Emergency Relocation Plan Template

Emergency Relocation Plan

Prepared by: [Your Name]

I. Purpose and Objective

The Emergency Relocation Plan is aimed at ensuring the safety of [Your Company Name]'s employees during an emergency by providing clear instructions for evacuation and relocation.

II. Emergency Response Team



Email Address

Jonatan Farrell

Fire Warden


Winona Harvey

Safety Officer


Beverly Haley

Facility Management


III. Evacuation Procedures

  • Notify employees and contacts immediately.

  • Evacuate to safe zones.

  • Account for all employees.

  • Transport to relocation sites if necessary.

IV. Relocation Sites

Site Name

Contact Number

City Convention Center

222 555 7777

Greenfield Hotel

222 555 7777

V. Employee Responsibilities

  • Stay calm and follow instructions.

  • Report location to the emergency team.

  • Evacuate promptly when instructed.

VI. Communication

  • Use [Your Company Name]'s internal system for updates.

  • Ensure constant communication with the emergency response team.

VII. Conclusion

All employees must be familiar with the plan to ensure a coordinated and swift relocation process during emergencies.

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