Free Office Safety Evacuation Plan Template



Free Office Safety Evacuation Plan Template

Office Safety Evacuation Plan

Prepared by: [Your Name]
Date: January 6, 2050

I. Purpose and Scope

The Office Safety Evacuation Plan is established to prioritize the safety of employees and visitors within [Your Company Name], located at [Your Company Address], during emergencies. This plan ensures an orderly and effective evacuation process while minimizing risks.

II. Emergency Roles and Responsibilities

The Emergency Response Team (ERT) manages the evacuation process and ensures compliance with safety protocols.



Contact Information

Evacuation Leader

Kitty Johns


Floor Warden

Edgar Spencer


Safety Coordinator

Dahlia White


III. Evacuation Routes and Safety Zones

A. Evacuation Routes

  • Primary Route: Main hallway leading to the east exit.

  • Secondary Route: Emergency stairwell adjacent to the west wing.

B. Assembly Points

Personnel are to gather at the designated safe zones for accountability and updates:

  • Primary Location: Open parking lot at the rear of the building.

  • Backup Location: Adjacent park area on [Your Company Address].

IV. Emergency Equipment and Resources

The office is equipped with the following resources to facilitate safety during evacuations:



Responsible Party

First Aid Kits

Main break room

Dahlia White

Fire Extinguishers

Hallways, all floors

Maintenance Team

Emergency Lights

Stairwells and exits

Facilities Department

V. Evacuation Drills and Performance

Regular evacuation drills are conducted to test and refine the plan.

Evaluation Metric


Recent Performance

Evacuation Time

< 5 minutes

Achieved 5 minutes 30 seconds

Route Usage Compliance



Accountability Check


Fully achieved

VI. Communication During Emergencies

During an evacuation, clear instructions will be provided through the office intercom system and email notifications will be sent via [Your Company Email]. All updates post-evacuation will be communicated through [Your Email] for feedback and next steps.

VII. Plan Maintenance and Updates

The plan is reviewed quarterly to ensure alignment with safety regulations and operational changes. Adjustments are made based on drill feedback and employee input.

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