Free Attendance Policy Statement Template



Free Attendance Policy Statement Template

Attendance Policy Statement

This Attendance Policy outlines the expectations and guidelines for all employees at [Your Company Name] regarding punctuality, attendance, and absences. It is vital for the effective operation of the company and for maintaining a productive and professional work environment that all employees adhere to these standards. Consistent attendance and timely arrival to work are crucial for ensuring smooth business operations and promoting teamwork.

This policy applies to all employees of [Your Company Name], including full-time, part-time, and temporary staff. It is intended to foster a culture of responsibility and accountability in which employees are expected to report to work as scheduled, communicate effectively with their supervisors regarding absences, and comply with the company's procedures for requesting time off.

The company recognizes that certain situations may arise where employees are unable to attend work or may need to adjust their work schedule. In such cases, [Your Company Name] is committed to providing a fair and reasonable approach, ensuring all employees are treated equally while balancing the needs of the company and its employees.

I. General Attendance Expectations

All employees are expected to report to work on time, be present during scheduled work hours, and adhere to the company's working hours and attendance procedures. Punctuality and consistent attendance are critical to the success of [Your Company Name].

Work Hours

  • [Your Company Name] operates during regular business hours from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding public holidays.

  • Employees are required to be present during their scheduled hours unless prior approval has been granted.


  • Employees who are late for work should inform their supervisor as soon as possible. Repeated tardiness may result in disciplinary actions.

II. Absences

Absences should be kept to a minimum, and when unavoidable, employees must follow the proper procedure for reporting and documenting absences.

Reporting Absences

  • [Your Company Name] requires employees to notify their supervisor of any planned or unplanned absences as early as possible.

  • Absences must be reported via email to [Your Email] or phone to [Your Company Number].

Unplanned Absences

  • For any sudden illness or emergency, employees must notify their supervisor no later than 1 hour before their scheduled start time.

  • Employees may be required to provide documentation, such as a doctor’s note, for prolonged or frequent absences.

III. Time Off Requests

Requests for vacation or personal leave should be submitted in advance to ensure adequate coverage in the workplace.

Procedure for Time Off

  • Requests must be submitted via email to [Your Email] at least two weeks prior to the desired time off.

  • The supervisor will review the request and approve or deny it based on staffing needs.

IV. Disciplinary Action for Non-Compliance

Employees who fail to follow the attendance policy, including excessive tardiness, unapproved absences, or failure to report absences in a timely manner, may face disciplinary actions. The severity of the action will depend on the frequency and nature of the infraction.



Action Taken

First occurrence of tardiness or absence

Verbal warning

Second occurrence within 30 days

Written warning

Third occurrence within 60 days


Continued violations


V. Special Considerations

[Your Company Name] recognizes that emergencies and extenuating circumstances may affect attendance. Employees facing such circumstances are encouraged to communicate with their supervisor promptly.

Exceptional Circumstances

  • For serious health conditions, family emergencies, or other critical issues, employees are advised to discuss their situation with their supervisor or [Your Company Name]'s Human Resources department at [Your Company Email] to explore possible accommodations.

For any questions regarding this policy, please contact [Your Name] at [Your Email]. The company is committed to supporting all employees while maintaining operational efficiency and fairness. The guidelines in this policy will help ensure that attendance is managed consistently, equitably, and in alignment with [Your Company Name]’s goals.

Date: January 10, 2050

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