Negotiation Letter Templates
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Explore professionally designed negotiation letters customizable and printable for free. Elevate your communications with stunning templates. Start now!
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A study found that the majority of employers expect their job applicants to negotiate salary beginning at the interview stage of the hiring process. Many applicants are hesitant to do this as they don’t want to risk losing the job. However, there should be no reason to lose a job offer if you handle the situation properly.
Generally, it is usually appropriate to ask for ten to twenty percent more than what you’re currently making in the company without seeming greedy about your salary negotiation.
Much like any other business transaction, make sure that you write a letter of negotiation in a formal manner. Be direct about your purpose without being too aggressive in your negotiation letter.
Contract negotiations can go from ten to four months. If the contract is not resolved by then, you go into binding arbitration, which will help you reach a final agreement.
The three phases of negotiation are preparation, development, and closure.