Free Depression Quotes Wallpaper Template
Free Peter Capaldi - The best advice is to get on with it. I'm very prone to falling into depressions - not clinical, just 'can't be bothered.' It's such a waste of time. Template
Free Austin Butler - Depression and anxiety can't fit in your head if you're cultivating feelings of joy and inspiration. Template
Free Kay Redfield Jamison - In some cases, some people do get depressed in the middle of their grief, and they really need to be treated for depression. Template
Free Dorothy Hamill - My whole family, my father's side, there was a great deal of depression, and my mother's side as well. Template
Free Murray Gell-Mann - Enthusiasm is followed by disappointment and even depression, and then by renewed enthusiasm. Template
Free Albert Ellis - You largely constructed your depression. It wasn't given to you. Therefore, you can deconstruct it. Template
Free Vidal Sassoon - I was born in 1928 and by 1931 the Depression was beginning to mount. Template
Free Andrew Flintoff - I'll be fine, and suddenly I'll feel the depression coming on. It can start with the smallest thing. Template
Free Patty Duke - My recovery from manic depression has been an evolution, not a sudden miracle. Template
Free Brooke Shields - Depression is so smart - it uses all your references and patterns. Template
Free Amy Grant - I never thought getting older would be so great. But when it comes to depression, I have experienced less the older I've gotten. Template
Free Dick Cavett - Perhaps the saddest irony of depression is that suicide happens when the patient gets a little better and can again function sufficiently. Template
Free Kirsten Dunst - I think most human beings go through some sort of depression in their life. And if they don't, I think that's weird. Template
Free Andrew Weil - The World Health Organization has recognized acupuncture as effective in treating mild to moderate depression. Template
Free Keith Barry - If you feel depressed, go and buy twenty books about depression. Learn about it; find out how it works. Template
Free Dominick Cruz - I'm not always 'Dominick Cruz, Tough Guy.' Depression runs in my bloodline. Template
Free Peter Schiff - What got us out of the depression was capitalism, and we would have gotten out a lot quicker had the government not intervened. Template
Free Adrien Brody - I was depressed for a year after 'The Pianist,' and I don't suffer from that, generally. It wasn't just a depression; it was a mourning. Template
Free John Updike - I was raised in the Depression, when there was a great sense of dog-eat-dog and people fighting over scraps. Template
Free Andrew Solomon - Dealing with depression effectively is a mark not of weakness, but of strength. Template
Free Alexandra Stoddard - Colors are important. People are in clinical depression whether they are on medication or not. Neutrals are another form of medication. Template
Free Ann Richards - I was born during the Depression in a little community just outside Waco, and I grew up listening to Franklin Roosevelt on the radio. Template
Free Rachel Hollis - Mental illness lives all around us every day. I've seen it in other family members, I've seen it in friends, and I've dealt with it myself with my own postpartum depression. Template
Free Robert Smith - It's really easy to slide into a depression fueled by the pointlessness of existence. Template
Free Kay Redfield Jamison - There are scientists all around the world looking for the genes responsible for bipolar illness and major depression. Template
Free Sloane Crosley - It takes a level of creative depression to hear 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' and weep. Template
Free Winona Ryder - There was a time when I was 19 when I really, really, really thought I was going crazy. I was exhausted and going through a terrible depression. Template
Free Margo Jefferson - Melancholy' is prettier than 'depression'; it connotes a kind of nocturnal grace. Makes one feel more innocently beleaguered. Template
Free Steny Hoyer - But despite historic levels of obstruction, President Obama was able to bring the economy back from the verge of a second Great Depression. Template
Free Rick Springfield - You never really shake depression and that's a tough road you have to deal with. Template
Free Andrew Solomon - I often say that the opposite of depression is not happiness but vitality. Template
Free Rosalynn Carter - My mother made all of our clothes, my friends' mothers made all of their clothes. This was the Depression. Template
Free Shirley Temple - I class myself with Rin Tin Tin. People in the Depression wanted something to cheer them up, and they fell in love with a dog and a little girl. Template
Free Gene Wilder - When I'm not working on something, I seem to go through periods of depression. It helps to keep busy. Template
Free Spike Milligan - As I kept having episodes of depression, I realized that it was not a one-off: that I had, well, not a disease, really - more an illness. Template
Free Shirley Manson - The truth is, I've always been wracked with self-loathing and terrible, paralysing depression. Template
Free Jennifer Ellison - I want to tell people that I had post-natal depression because there is so much stigma around the subject and there shouldn't be. Template
Free Claire Tomalin - When I kept a diary, I realised that it was all moanings and depression, and I think that is quite common. Template
Free Ricky Hatton - Depression is a serious thing and, after my defeat to Pacquiao, I was facing retirement and didn't cope with it very well. Template
Free Gayle Forman - Many of depression's symptoms - exhaustion, insomnia, nausea, headaches, weight loss, weight gain - are physical ailments. Template
Free Amy Winehouse - I do suffer from depression, I suppose. Which isn't that unusual. You know, a lot of people do. Template
Free Kay Redfield Jamison - One of things so bad about depression and bipolar disorder is that if you don't have prior awareness, you don't have any idea what hit you. Template
Free Washed Out - I've struggled with depression before. For me, music was always a very positive way to will myself out of that situation. Template
Free Ben Shapiro - It took capitalism half a century to come back from the Great Depression. Template
Free Tom Glazer - I met my wife in Washington, D.C. I was a senior in college. WW II was about to descend upon us. Jobs were starting to open up after a prolonged depression. Template
Free Patty Duke - Bipolar indicates that you're not - you don't just experience depression, but the mood swing goes up, and it can go very up. Template
Free Ron Howard - I've always been interested in the Depression as this very dramatic pivotal period in American history. Template
Free Ji-Hae Park - When you are in depression, almost magically, nothing motivates you. Template
Free Ben Bernanke - If you want to understand geology, study earthquakes. If you want to understand the economy, study the Depression. Template
Dorothy Hamill on Family History of Depression Quote Template
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