Sales New Client Quote Questionnaire Template
Sales New Client Quote Questionnaire
Please read each question carefully and answer honestly. Your responses are anonymous and will be kept strictly confidential.
Client Information:
Full Name: |
[Name] |
Company Name: |
Phone Number: |
Email Address: |
Billing Address: |
Shipping Address: |
Project Details:
Project Name: |
[Project Name] |
Project Description: |
Project Deadline: |
Delivery Location: |
What is your estimated budget for this project?
Our budget is approximately $250,000. |
Do you require a detailed breakdown of costs?
Have you worked with a company offering similar services/products before? If yes, what was your experience?
What are your key expectations from [Your Company Name]?
Who will be the final decision-maker for this project in your organization?
What is your timeline for selecting a vendor?
Decision-Making Process:
Additional Information:
Client's Signature:
[Job Title]
[Month Day, Year]
Please return this questionnaire to [Your Company Name] at your earliest convenience. Your detailed responses will enable us to provide you with a comprehensive and accurate quote tailored to your specific needs.
Thank you for considering [Your Company Name] for your project.