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Cleaning Services Safety Training Attendance Record

Cleaning Services Safety Training Attendance Record

This Cleaning Services Safety Training Attendance Record is to be completed by all attendees. Please print your name, employee ID, and provide your signature or initials to confirm your attendance. Comments may be added as necessary. Thank you.

Date of Training:



[Your Name]


[Your Company Location]

Employee Name

Employee ID


Comments (if any)

Training Topics Covered

  1. Proper handling and storage of cleaning chemicals, including identification of hazardous substances.

  2. Safe operation of cleaning equipment, emphasizing proper techniques and maintenance procedures.

  3. Personal protective equipment (PPE) usage, outlining when and how to use protective gear effectively.

  4. Hazardous waste management, including procedures for disposal and spill response.

  5. Emergency procedures, such as fire evacuation plans, first aid protocols, and reporting incidents.

Assessments Conducted

  • Written quiz assessing understanding of safety procedures, including multiple-choice and scenario-based questions.

  • Practical demonstration of proper handling of cleaning chemicals, evaluating adherence to safety protocols and effective use of PPE.

  • Participation in interactive discussions to gauge comprehension and application of training concepts.

Additional Notes

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