IT Product Requirements Document

IT Product Requirements Document (PRD)

I. Introduction

Product Name: [product name]

Overview: This document outlines the requirements for the development of [product name], an IT solution designed to streamline project management for small businesses.

Purpose: The purpose of this document is to clearly define the scope, objectives, and functionalities of [product name].

Scope and Objectives: [product name] aims to simplify project management tasks and enhance collaboration among team members.

II. Stakeholders

Stakeholder Name: John Arnolds
Role: Project Manager
Contact Information: [email protected]

Stakeholder Name: Emily Johnson

Role: Client Representative

Contact Information: [email protected]

Description: Emily is the main point of contact from the client side. She will provide project requirements, feedback, and coordinate with internal stakeholders within the client organization.

Stakeholder Name: Michael Brown

Role: Lead Developer

Contact Information: [email protected]

Description: Michael is responsible for leading the development team and ensuring the technical aspects of the project are executed smoothly. He will oversee the implementation of features and resolve any technical challenges that arise.

Stakeholder Name: Sarah Lee

Role: UX/UI Designer

Contact Information: [email protected]

Description: Sarah will be responsible for designing the user experience and interface of the project. She will work closely with the development team to ensure that the design is both aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly.

Stakeholder Name: David Rodriguez

Role: Quality Assurance Tester

Contact Information: [email protected]

Description: David will conduct rigorous testing of the project to identify any bugs or issues before deployment. He will work closely with both the development and design teams to ensure the final product meets quality standards.

Stakeholder Name: Lisa Chen

Role: Marketing Coordinator

Contact Information: [email protected]

Description: Lisa will oversee the marketing aspects of the project, including promotion, advertising, and user acquisition strategies. She will collaborate with the development and design teams to ensure that marketing goals align with the project vision.

III. Business Context

Organization Background: [your company name] is a software development company specializing in IT solutions for small businesses.

Market Analysis: The project management software market is growing rapidly, with increasing demand for user-friendly and affordable solutions.

Competitive Landscape: Key competitors include Trello, Asana, and, offering similar project management tools.

IV. Functional Requirements

Core Features and Functionalities:

  1. Task Management: Users can create, assign, and track tasks within projects.

    • Acceptance Criteria: Tasks should be sortable by priority, due date, and status.

  2. Team Collaboration: Users can collaborate on tasks through comments, file sharing, and notifications.

    • Acceptance Criteria: Real-time notifications should be sent to team members for task updates.

V. Non-functional Requirements

Performance Requirements

Security Requirements

Scalability Requirements

Requirement 1: The application should load within 3 seconds under standard network conditions.

Requirement 1: User authentication: Secure login with encrypted passwords.

Requirement 1: The application should be able to handle a minimum of 1000 active projects.

Requirement 2: Concurrent user support: At least 100 users at peak times.

Requirement 2: Data encryption: All user data stored in the database should be encrypted.

VI. Technical Architecture

System Architecture Overview: [your product name] follows a client-server architecture, with a web-based frontend and a scalable backend API.

Technology Stack: Frontend: React.js, Backend: Node.js, Database: MongoDB.

Integration Points: Integration with Google Drive for file storage and Slack for team notifications.

VII. Data Management

Data Inputs and Outputs:

  • Input: User task details (title, description, due date).

  • Output: Task status updates, reports.

Data Storage and Handling:

  • Storage Requirement: MongoDB database for storing user and task data.

  • Handling Requirement: Regular data backups to prevent data loss.

Data Migration Requirements:

  • Requirement 1: Data Migration from Previous System: Transfer existing user and task data from legacy systems to [your product name].

  • Requirement 2: Data Backup: Regular backups of user and task data to prevent loss in case of system failure.

VIII. User Interface (UI) Design

Wireframes or Mockups: [Attach wireframes/mockups]

Design Principles and Guidelines:

  • Simplicity: The user interface should be clean and intuitive.

  • Consistency: Maintain consistent design elements throughout the application.

IX. Deployment and Implementation

Deployment Strategy: Continuous deployment using Docker containers and AWS ECS.

Implementation Plan: Roll out features gradually, starting with the core functionality.

Training and Support Requirements: Provide user documentation and online training videos.

X. Risks and Mitigation Strategies

Identified Risks

Mitigation Strategies

Risk 1: Technology Failure: Risk of system failure due to technical issues.

Strategy 1: Regular Monitoring: Monitor system performance and address any issues proactively.

Strategy 2: Agile Development Approach: Adopt an agile approach to development for flexibility in handling changing requirements.

Risk 2: Scope Creep: Risk of project scope expanding beyond initial requirements.

Strategy 1: Regular Monitoring: Monitor project scope and communicate changes effectively.

Strategy 2: Clearly Define Requirements: Document and prioritize project requirements to minimize scope creep.

XI. Timeline and Milestones

Project Timeline


Milestone 1: Project Kickoff

April 1, 2050

Milestone 2: Prototype Completion

May 15, 2050

Major Milestones and Deadlines


Alpha Testing Deadline

June 30, 2050

Product Launch Date

August 1, 2050

XII. Approval

This IT Product Requirements Document is hereby approved by the undersigned stakeholders:

Client Representative: Emily Johnson

Project Manager: John Arnolds

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