30-60-90 Day Plan For Managers

30-60-90 Day Plan
for Managers

Written by: [Your Name]

I. Introduction

This 30-60-90 Day Plan is designed to help new managers transition smoothly into their roles. It outlines specific, measurable tasks and goals to be achieved over the first 90 days. This structured approach ensures that new managers can effectively understand their responsibilities, build strong relationships, and drive team performance.

II. Objectives

  1. Gain a clear understanding of the managerial role within the organization.

  2. Establish trust and rapport with team members, peers, and superiors.

  3. Implement strategies to improve team performance and achieve organizational goals.

III. 30-Day Plan






Orientation and Learning

  • Review company policies and procedures

  • Understand organizational structure and key stakeholders

  • Attend orientation sessions and training programs

Comprehensive understanding of company operations and expectations


Team Introduction

  • Meet with team members individually

  • Understand team roles and responsibilities

  • Assess team strengths and areas for development

Strong initial rapport with team members and understanding of team dynamics


Current State Assessment

  • Review current projects and performance metrics

  • Identify key challenges and opportunities

  • Gather feedback from team and stakeholders

Clear picture of team performance and areas needing improvement


Short-term Goals Setting

  • Set SMART goals for the next 60 days

  • Align goals with team and organizational objectives

  • Communicate goals to the team

Clear and achievable goals aligned with organizational priorities

IV. 60-Day Plan






Action Plan Development

  • Develop action plans to achieve set goals

  • Delegate tasks and responsibilities

  • Ensure alignment with team capabilities

Detailed action plans ready for implementation


Implementation and Monitoring

  • Begin executing action plans

  • Monitor progress and provide support

  • Hold regular check-ins with team members

Steady progress towards achieving goals


Performance Feedback

  • Provide constructive feedback to team members

  • Recognize and reward achievements

  • Address any performance issues

Improved team performance and morale


Midpoint Review

  • Conduct a review of progress against goals

  • Adjust plans and strategies as necessary

  • Re-align team efforts if needed

Ensured alignment with goals and necessary adjustments made

V. 90-Day Plan






Continued Implementation

  • Continue executing adjusted action plans

  • Address any new challenges that arise

  • Maintain regular communication with the team

Ongoing progress and adaptation to changes


Team Development

  • Identify training and development needs

  • Arrange for professional development opportunities

  • Foster a culture of continuous improvement

Enhanced team skills and development


Final Review Preparation

  • Prepare for the 90-day review with stakeholders

  • Compile performance data and feedback

  • Reflect on personal and team achievements

Comprehensive review materials and self-assessment


90-Day Review and Future Planning

  • Conduct a final review meeting with stakeholders

  • Discuss successes, challenges, and lessons learned

  • Set long-term goals and strategies for ongoing success

Clear assessment of the first 90 days and strategic plan for the future

VI. Conclusion

This 30-60-90 Day Plan provides a structured approach for new managers to integrate effectively into their roles. By following this plan, managers can ensure a smooth transition, build strong relationships, and drive team performance to meet organizational goals.

Plan Templates @ Template.net