Free First 90 Day Plan Template



Free First 90 Day Plan Template

First 90 Day Plan

Prepared by: [Your Name]

I. Introduction

This structured action plan is designed to provide a detailed roadmap for the first 90 days of [Your Company Name]'s business launch, ensuring that key objectives are met and that the foundation for success is solidly established.

II. Goals and Objectives

  • Establish the business foundation

  • Build brand awareness

  • Secure initial customer base

  • Optimize operational processes

III. 30-Day Action Plan




Business Setup

Legal and Administrative Tasks

Register the business, obtain licenses, open bank account, set up accounting

Office Setup

Secure office space, purchase supplies and equipment, install essential software and tools

Branding and Marketing

Brand Identity

Finalize name, logo, branding materials, design business cards, develop website

Online Presence

Create social media accounts, develop content calendar, publish first blog post

Product and Service Dev.

Product/Service Finalization

Finalize offerings, conduct market research, develop pricing strategy

Networking and Relationships

Build Initial Network

Join local business associations, attend networking events, identify potential partners

IV. 60-Day Action Plan




Marketing and Sales

Marketing Campaigns

Launch initial campaigns (email, social media, PPC), measure and analyze performance, adjust strategies

Sales Strategy

Develop sales pitch and materials, train staff, reach out to potential customers

Customer Acquisition

Lead Generation

Implement lead generation tactics, create customer referral program, set up CRM

Customer Engagement

Engage on social media, collect feedback through surveys and reviews, build community


Process Optimization

Document processes and workflows, identify areas for improvement, implement necessary changes

Financial Management

Budgeting and Forecasting

Create detailed budgets, develop financial forecasts, monitor expenses and adjust budgets as needed

V. 90-Day Action Plan




Scaling Up

Product/Service Expansion

Evaluate initial offerings, plan new launches, update website and marketing materials

Market Expansion

Identify new target markets, develop entry strategies, network with industry influencers

Team Building


Identify key positions, develop job descriptions, start hiring process, onboard and train new employees

Customer Retention

Customer Support

Set up customer support system, develop FAQ section, implement loyalty program

Community Building

Host events, encourage user-generated content, foster sense of belonging

Review and Adjust

Performance Review

Review performance against goals, identify successes and areas for improvement, adjust strategies

Future Planning

Set goals for next quarter, develop roadmap for growth, plan for long-term sustainability

VI. Conclusion

The first 90 days are especially critical for establishing a strong foundation and setting the stage for long-term success. By following this structured plan, you'll be well on your way to achieving your business objectives and building a thriving enterprise.

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