Free Emergency Evacuation Plan Template



Free Emergency Evacuation Plan Template

Emergency Evacuation Plan

Prepared by: [Your Name]

1. Introduction

This Emergency Evacuation Plan outlines the procedures and responsibilities necessary to ensure a safe, organized, and efficient evacuation of the premises during an emergency. It is important for all personnel to familiarize themselves with this plan and participate in evacuation drills when conducted.

2. Evacuation Procedures

During an emergency, the following procedures should be followed immediately:

  • Remain calm and do not panic.

  • Proceed to the nearest, safe exit quickly and in an orderly manner.

  • Do not use elevators. Use stairways for exiting the building.

  • Assist individuals with disabilities or special needs during the evacuation.

  • Once outside, proceed to the designated assembly area.

  • Do not re-enter the building until emergency personnel declare it safe.

3. Responsibilities



Emergency Coordinator

  • Coordinate the evacuation process.

  • Ensure all areas are clear and all personnel are accounted for.

  • Communicate with emergency services.

Floor Wardens

  • Guide occupants to the nearest exit.

  • Check rooms and bathrooms in their designated area for remaining persons.

  • Report to the Emergency Coordinator once their area is cleared.


  • Leave the building immediately using the nearest exit.

  • Follow illumination signs and floor wardens' instructions.

  • Report to the designated assembly area.

4. Emergency Contacts

It is vital for all personnel to know emergency contact numbers, as follows:

  • Fire Department: 911

  • Police Department: 911

  • Emergency Medical Services: 911

  • Building Security: 222 555 7770

5. Assembly Area

The designated assembly area is located at the open park adjacent to the building entrance. It is important for everyone to remain at the assembly area until further instructions are given. The Emergency Coordinator will conduct a headcount to ensure everyone is safe.

6. Special Considerations

Consider the following for individuals requiring additional assistance:

  • If you have mobility limitations, wait for assistance from a colleague or designated personnel.

  • Ensure that emergency exits are always accessible.

  • For hearing-impaired individuals, ensure visual signals are accessible.

7. Maintenance of the Plan

This evacuation plan will be reviewed and updated annually, or as needed, to ensure its effectiveness. Regular drills will be conducted to ensure readiness among all staff and personnel.

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