Tornado Emergency Plan

Tornado Emergency Plan


This Tornado Emergency Plan is designed to provide guidance and procedures to ensure the safety of individuals during a tornado event. It outlines the necessary steps to be taken before, during, and after a tornado to minimize risk and ensure a coordinated response. This plan should be reviewed and practiced regularly to ensure effectiveness.

Emergency Contacts


Phone Number

Local Emergency Services

[Phone Number]

Tornado Information Hotline

[Phone Number]

Community Shelter Coordinator

[Phone Number]


Advance preparation is critical for minimizing risk during a tornado. Consider the following steps:

  • Identify a safe location within your home or building, such as a basement or an interior room on the lowest floor without windows.

  • Prepare an emergency kit containing essential items such as water, non-perishable food, flashlight, batteries, first-aid kit, and important documents.

  • Stay informed by monitoring local weather services and alerts.

  • Develop a communication plan with family members or coworkers to establish how to contact each other in case of separation.

  • Attend tornado safety drills if available in your community or organization.

During a Tornado

When a tornado warning is issued, or a tornado is imminent, follow these steps:

  • Quickly move to your identified safe location.

  • If you are outside or cannot get to a building, lie flat in a low-lying area, covering your head with your arms.

  • Avoid taking shelter in areas with wide-span roofs such as auditoriums or gymnasiums.

  • Stay away from windows, doors, and outside walls.

  • Keep a battery-operated or hand-crank radio to receive updates if the power goes out.

After a Tornado

Once the tornado has passed, ensure your continued safety:

  • Carefully assess your surroundings for hazards such as downed power lines or structural damage.

  • Check yourself and others for injuries and administer first aid if necessary.

  • Use text messages or social media to inform family and friends of your safety status.

  • Avoid using matches or lighters in case of gas leaks.

  • Follow instructions from local emergency services for when it is safe to return to evacuated areas.

Reporting Damage

To assist local authorities and aid services, report any significant damage spotted:

  • Contact local emergency services to report severe damage and need for assistance.

  • Take photos of the damage for insurance purposes, if safe to do so.

  • Work with community groups to coordinate cleanup efforts, if such assistance is available and safe.

Review and Training

Regular review and training on this Tornado Emergency Plan will improve preparedness and response efficiency. Individuals and families should:

  • Conduct annual reviews and updates to the safety plan and emergency supplies.

  • Participate in local tornado response drills and training programs.

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the plan after tornado events and make necessary adjustments.

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