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Basic Usage Agreement

Usage Agreement

This Basic Usage Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into as of March 12, 2050, by and between Ava Chambers (the "Graphic Designer"), acting as a freelancer, and Grace Mendoza, the duly authorized Manager of LifeHarbor (the "Company"), a company organized and existing under the laws of Florida, USA.

1. Introduction

This Agreement implies that the Graphic Designer will provide freelance services to the Company in forms of graphic design. The basis of this is to create visual content for the Company’s marketing materials according to the terms and conditions set herein.

2. Project Scope

The Graphic Designer agrees to create graphic designs (the "Services"). The Graphic Designer undertakes to perform the Services with professional acumen and in a timely manner.

3. Payment Details

For the Services to be rendered under this Agreement, the Company agrees to pay the Graphic Designer in accordance with the rates set forth in the pricing document provided. The payment will be made upon satisfactory completion of Services and upon receipt of an appropriate invoice.

4. Delivery Expectations

The Freelancer is responsible for the maintenance of the agreed upon delivery schedule. All completed designs shall be delivered electronically by email or other agreed upon manner and format.

5. Permitted Use

Where the envisaged work has been duly paid for by the Company, the Company gains the exclusive and unlimited right to use the graphic designs for the purpose intended under the terms of service. LifeHarbor may alter, reproduce, or distribute the designs in its marketing materials. The Graphic Designer shall maintain a limited right only for portfolio showcasing.

6. Terms of Service

The terms of service should be as agreed under this Agreement and any changes in terms must be mutually agreed.

7. Confidentiality

Both parties agree to adhere to the confidentiality of information and shall not disclose or use the other’s confidential information for any purpose outside the scope of this Agreement.

8. Termination

Either party may terminate this Agreement for any reason by providing written notice to the other no less than 15 days before the desired termination date.

9. Governing Law and Disputes

This Agreement will be governed by the laws of Florida, USA, considering local legal standards and best practices. Any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in Florida.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Freelancer and the Company has executed this Basic Usage Agreement, to be effective as of the date first above written.

Ava Chambers, Freelancer


Date: March 12, 2050

Grace Mendoza, Manager, LifeHarbor


Date: March 12, 2050

Agreement Templates @ Template.Net