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Inclusion Workshop Service Level Agreement HR

Inclusion Workshop Service Level Agreement HR

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

This Inclusion Workshop Service Level Agreement (SLA) is established to delineate the terms and conditions under which [Your Company Name] commits to providing comprehensive inclusion workshops to [Your Partner Company Name] Our shared purpose is to foster a more inclusive and equitable workplace environment, ensuring that diversity is celebrated and inclusion becomes an integral part of the organizational culture.

1.2 Background

[Your Company Name] boasts a distinguished reputation as a premier provider of diversity and inclusion training services. With a wealth of experience and expertise in this field, we are uniquely positioned to assist [Your Partner Company Name] in achieving its laudable goal of enhancing workplace diversity and inclusion. [Your Partner Company Name] recognizes the significance of diversity and inclusion in fostering innovation, creativity, and employee engagement, and hence, has chosen to engage [Your Company Name] for these transformative workshops.

2. Scope of Services

2.1 Description of Inclusion Workshops

[Your Company Name] is dedicated to delivering a meticulously crafted series of inclusion workshops to [Your Partner Company Name] These workshops are designed to address critical areas such as unconscious bias mitigation, cultural competence, and the cultivation of an inclusive culture. The curriculum will be thoughtfully tailored to engage participants and foster meaningful discussions, equipping them with practical tools to embrace diversity and promote inclusion in the workplace.

2.2 Customization Options

Recognizing the unique needs and objectives of [Your Partner Company Name], [Your Company Name] is committed to working collaboratively to customize the workshop content and duration. This customization will ensure that the workshops align seamlessly with [Your Partner Company Name]'s specific goals and challenges, making the learning experience more relevant and impactful for your organization.

3. Service Levels

3.1 Workshop Schedule

As per this agreement, [Your Company Name] pledges to provide a total of 12 inclusion workshops over the course of 12 months. The schedule for these enlightening workshops is as follows:



Workshop 1:

[Month Day, Year]

Workshop 2:

[Month Day, Year]

Workshop 3:

[Month Day, Year]

Workshop 4:

[Month Day, Year]

Workshop 5:

[Month Day, Year]

Workshop 6:

[Month Day, Year]

Workshop 7:

[Month Day, Year]

Workshop 8:

[Month Day, Year]

Workshop 9:

[Month Day, Year]

Workshop 10:

[Month Day, Year]

Workshop 11:

[Month Day, Year]

Workshop 12:

[Month Day, Year]

3.2 Participant Feedback

To gauge the effectiveness of our workshops, [Your Company Name] will diligently collect feedback from participants following each session. [Your Partner Company Name]will be invited to participate in the feedback review process, facilitating a valuable exchange of insights and continuous improvement in our program delivery.

3.3 Reporting

In furtherance of transparency and accountability, [Your Company Name] will furnish [Your Partner Company Name] with regular reports. These reports will encompass workshop attendance records, detailed summaries of participant feedback, and any recommendations for enhancing the inclusivity journey. These insights will be pivotal in fine-tuning the workshops to better meet your organization's evolving needs.

4. Responsibilities

4.1 [Your Company Name] Responsibilities

  • Design and deliver high-quality inclusion workshops: [Your Company Name] will draw upon its wealth of expertise to create engaging and impactful workshop content.

  • Provide trained facilitators: Our team of experienced facilitators will guide participants through these workshops, ensuring a dynamic and interactive learning experience.

  • Customize workshop content as needed: Flexibility is key, and we are committed to adapting the content to align with evolving organizational goals.

  • Collect and analyze participant feedback: Rigorous feedback analysis will enable us to make data-driven improvements to our workshops, ensuring continuous growth and relevance.

4.2 [Your Partner Company Name] Responsibilities

  • Ensure availability of suitable workshop space: [Your Partner Company Name] will provide appropriate facilities to host these workshops, ensuring a conducive learning environment.

  • Promote workshop participation among employees: [Your Partner Company Name]will actively encourage employee participation, driving engagement and commitment to the inclusion journey.

  • Provide necessary resources and materials: [Your Partner Company Name] will supply any required materials or resources as agreed upon, ensuring the smooth execution of the workshops.

5. Timeline

5.1 Workshop Timeline

The inclusion workshops are set to embark on a transformative journey, commencing on [Month Day, Year], and steadfastly continuing until [Month Day, Year], in strict accordance with the meticulously devised schedule, as expounded in Section 3.1. This timeline guarantees a structured and comprehensive approach to diversity and inclusion training, facilitating a well-rounded experience for participants.

6. Pricing and Payment Terms

6.1 Pricing

In consideration of our commitment to fostering inclusivity, [Your Company Name] extends its inclusion workshops at a highly competitive rate of $250 per workshop. This rate has been thoughtfully crafted to ensure accessibility and affordability while maintaining the high quality and value of the workshops.

6.2 Invoicing and Payment

For your convenience and financial planning, Invoices will be issued by [Your Company Name] on a monthly basis, allowing flexibility in your payment schedule. We kindly request that payments be remitted within 30 days of receiving the invoice. This prompt payment ensures the smooth continuation of our engagement and the uninterrupted delivery of these vital workshops.

7. Termination and Dispute Resolution

7.1 Termination

Within the spirit of collaboration and flexibility, either party reserves the right to terminate this agreement by providing 30 days' written notice. This termination option is available for any reason deemed necessary. In the event of termination, [Your Partner Company Name] shall be liable for any fees incurred up to and inclusive of the termination date, ensuring a fair and equitable resolution.

7.2 Dispute Resolution

In upholding the principles of fairness and effective conflict resolution, any disputes arising under this agreement will be methodically addressed through a mechanism of Arbitration, chosen as per the mutual consent of the parties. These proceedings shall be conducted in strict adherence to the laws and regulations of Jurisdiction, fostering transparency and equitable resolution.

8. Confidentiality and Data Protection

8.1 Confidentiality

In the interest of preserving the trust and integrity of this partnership, both parties wholeheartedly commit to safeguarding the confidentiality of all information exchanged and shared during the duration of this agreement. This commitment extends to all data, records, and proprietary materials, fostering an environment of trust and cooperation.

8.2 Data Protection

[Your Company Name], as the custodian of participant data, will conscientiously uphold and adhere to all relevant data protection laws and regulations. This includes but is not limited to secure storage, responsible processing, and ensuring the privacy and security of participant information. Rest assured, the handling of participant data will be in strict compliance with the highest standards of data protection.

9. Legal and Compliance

9.1 Legal Compliance

Both parties enter into this agreement with the full understanding and commitment to abide by all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards governing the provision of inclusion workshop services. This shared commitment to legal compliance ensures the ethical and responsible execution of our collaboration.

10. Appendices

10.1 Workshop Agenda

As a testament to our dedication to transparency and preparedness, we have included a sample workshop agenda as an appendix. This agenda provides a comprehensive overview of the workshop sessions, outlining the topics, activities, and learning objectives, ensuring that all parties involved are well-informed and aligned with the workshop's objectives.

10.2 Training Materials

A list of training materials and resources to be provided is detailed in this section. This comprehensive list ensures that [Your Partner Company Name] is fully equipped to support the workshops, guaranteeing a seamless and productive learning experience for all participants.

This Inclusion Workshop Service Level Agreement is hereby accepted and agreed upon by:

Signature: [Your Signature]
[Your Name]
[Your Company Name]

Date: [Month Day, Year]

Signature: [Signature]
[Your Partner Name]
[Your Partner Company Name]

Date: [Month Day, Year]

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