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Marketing Product Display Agreement

Marketing Product Display Agreement

On the 12th day of January, 2051, this Agreement was formulated and enacted between two primary entities. First is the marketing organization known as [Your Company Name], with its corporate headquarters located at [Your Company Address], hereafter referred to as the "Company". The second participant is Elena Drake, the esteemed proprietor of the display venue situated at 954 Willis Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32207, and will be henceforth recognized as the "Venue Owner" throughout this Agreement.

I. Recitals

A. The Company, in its pursuit of marketing excellence and consumer engagement, aspires to showcase its products in a strategic and captivating manner.

B. The Venue Owner, understanding the pivotal role the environment plays in product presentation, extends its specialized spaces, known for their aesthetic and functional appeal. 

II. Display Product Details

Product Name


Unit Weight

Display Duration

Product Alpha

10x10x5 cm


7 days

Product Beta

15x5x5 cm


7 days

Product Gamma

5x5x10 cm


7 days

III. Period of Product Exhibition

The span earmarked for the exhibition of products at the designated venue stretches from the 12th day of February, 2051, initiating with the setup phase, culminating on the 12th day of June, 2051 post the dismantling procedures. Both parties acknowledge the importance of this duration and commit to maintaining the integrity and quality of the display throughout its tenure.

IV. Rental Charges

To secure the venue for the purpose of product display, a defined financial structure has been established. The fee for leveraging the venue, inclusive of its intrinsic amenities, is set at Five Hundred Dollars ($500).

A. An initial payment of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250), expected promptly upon the ratification of this Agreement, signifies the Company's commitment and reserves the venue for the specified dates.

B. The balance, amounting to Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250), is to be remitted no later than on the 12th day of June, 2051 , ensuring all financial obligations related to venue rental are squared off ahead of the display period.

V. Maintenance

The Venue Owner is entrusted with the responsibility of preserving the aesthetics and functionality of the display space. This entails meticulous attention to cleanliness, ensuring impeccable lighting that accentuates the products, and vigilance in preventing any hindrances or obstructions that might impede a clear view of the showcased items.

VI. Security

The Venue Owner pledges to implement robust security protocols, encompassing surveillance, access restrictions, and on-ground personnel, all aimed at thwarting theft, averting damage, and barring any unsanctioned interactions with the displayed products.

VII. Liability

In the unfortunate event of any harm or damage inflicted upon the products during the designated display duration, the Venue Owner assumes full liability. However, exceptions are recognized in the cases of uncontrollable events such as natural disasters or unforeseen incidents that couldn't reasonably be prevented.

VIII. Insurance

It is strongly advised that both the Company and Venue Owner have in place appropriate insurance policies. These policies should encompass coverage against potential losses, damages, or unforeseen events, ensuring that both parties have a recourse in the face of unexpected adversities.

IX. Termination

Both parties retain the prerogative to bring this Agreement to a close. Should either entity wish to terminate the contract, a written notice must be dispatched a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the intended termination date.

A. In scenarios where the Company initiates the termination, they stand accountable for the charges corresponding to the days their products were exhibited.

B. Should the Venue Owner be the party to terminate, it becomes incumbent upon them to reimburse the Company in a manner proportional to the unused duration of the Agreement.

X. Legal Jurisdiction

The tenets, interpretations, and enforcement of this Agreement are firmly anchored to the legal stipulations of Florida. All disputes, contentions, or interpretations shall be assessed and resolved within this jurisdictional framework.

XI. Amendments

Alterations or refinements to the terms of this Agreement are permissible only through collective deliberation and consensus. Any such changes need to be meticulously transcribed and validated through the formal endorsement - signatures of authorized representatives from both entities.

By the deliberate act of appending their signatures beneath this document, both parties solemnly and unequivocally express their comprehension, concurrence, and commitment to each stipulation, clause, and term encapsulated within this Product Display Agreement.


[Your Name]

Marketing Director

[Your Company Name]

[Insert Date]


[Recipient Name]

[Recipient Position]

[Recipient Company Name]

[Insert Date]