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Room Lease Agreement


This Room Lease Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between [Your Company Name], having its principal place of business at [Your Company Address] represented by [Your Name] hereinafter referred to as the "Lessor" and [Party B - Name], whose address is [Party B - Address] and contact number is [Party B- Contact Number] hereinafter referred to as the "Lessee".


This section should provide a detailed description of the rental property, including its address, unit number (if applicable), size (square footage), number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and any specific features or amenities.

  1. Address: 123 Elm Street, Springfield, Anytown, USA, 12345

  2. Unit Number (if applicable): Unit 3A

  3. Size (Square Footage): Approximately 1,200 square feet

  4. Number of Bedrooms: 2 bedrooms

  5. Number of Bathrooms: 1.5 bathrooms

  6. Features and Amenities:

    • Appliances: Refrigerator, stove/oven, dishwasher, microwave

    • Parking Spaces: 1 designated parking spot in the attached garage

    • Storage Units: Additional storage space available in the basement

    • Additional Amenities: Shared access to a community pool and fitness center, private balcony overlooking the courtyard


It is of utmost importance to specify the exact commencement and termination dates of the lease agreement with clarity and completeness. This includes the detailing of whether the agreement is fixed-term like a 12-month lease or a flexible month-to-month lease. Alongside this, it is also critical to provide clear indications regarding any specific provisions that are potentially related to the agreement's renewal or termination.


3.1 Rent Payment Schedule: The Lessee is obligated to remit the agreed-upon monthly rent of [Amount] on the first day of each month throughout the lease agreement. Failure to comply may result in penalties or legal actions as per the terms outlined in the contract.

3.2 Security Deposit Terms: A refundable security deposit of [Security Deposit Amount] is to be submitted by the Lessee upon signing the lease. This deposit serves as protection for the Lessor against any damages or unpaid rent and will be returned to the Lessee upon termination of the agreement, subject to deductions for any outstanding liabilities.

3.3 Deposit Deductions and Refund: At the end of the lease term, the Lessor will inspect the property for damages beyond normal wear and tear. Any deductions from the security deposit will be documented and provided to the Lessee along with the remaining balance, if applicable, within the legally mandated timeframe.


The individual who is leasing the property also referred to as the lessee is highly encouraged to be aware of and comply with the stipulations of their lease. This includes specifically using the premises for solely residential purposes. Additionally, the lessee needs to abide by all relevant laws pertinent to their residential use of the premises. Another significant aspect for the lessee to consider is to avoid causing any form of damage or disturbance to other individuals who reside nearby. Their rights to peaceful enjoyment of their property should be respected and there should be efforts to minimize any forms of disruption or nuisance that might negatively impact them.

a. The premises are designated solely for residential purposes, requiring the lessee to utilize the space solely for living accommodations and related activities.

b. Lessees must adhere to all relevant laws and regulations governing the premises, ensuring their activities within the property align with legal requirements and community standards.

c. Lessees are obligated to refrain from actions that may disrupt the tranquility of the premises or inconvenience neighboring residents, such as causing damage, creating disturbances, or generating nuisances.


The Lessee agrees to keep the premises in clean, sanitary, and good condition. The Lessee shall notify the Lessor promptly of any damage to the premises. The Lessee will be responsible for any repairs necessary due to their own negligence or intentional act.

5.1 Cleaning Responsibilities: The Lessee is obligated to maintain the premises in a clean and sanitary state throughout the lease term, ensuring it meets acceptable standards of hygiene and presentation.

5.2 Damage Reporting: Prompt notification of any damage incurred on the premises is the responsibility of the Lessee, allowing the Lessor to take necessary actions for repairs or maintenance promptly.

5.3 Repair Liability: The Lessee bears the responsibility for any repairs arising from their negligence or intentional actions during the lease period, including damages beyond normal wear and tear.


Suppose the Lessee fails to comply with any of the material provisions of this Agreement or any present rules and regulations governing the premises. In that case, the Lessor may terminate this Agreement upon providing proper notice to the Lessee.

6.1 Termination Clause: If the Lessee violates any material provisions of this Agreement or the current rules and regulations governing the premises, the Lessor reserves the right to terminate this Agreement. Proper notice will be provided to the Lessee before termination.

6.2 Non-Compliance Provision: Failure by the Lessee to adhere to the material provisions outlined in this Agreement or the existing rules and regulations concerning the premises may result in termination of this Agreement by the Lessor. Notice of termination will be given to the Lessee as per legal requirements.

6.3 Lessor's Right to Terminate: The Lessor holds the authority to terminate this Agreement if the Lessee fails to comply with any significant provisions of this Agreement or the prevailing rules and regulations about the premises. Adequate notice will be furnished to the Lessee before termination.

6.4 Breach of Agreement Clause: In the event of the Lessee's non-compliance with the essential provisions of this Agreement or the established rules and regulations governing the premises, the Lessor retains the right to terminate this Agreement. The Lessee shall be duly notified of termination under legal procedures.

6.5 Lease Termination Provision: Should the Lessee violate any material provisions of this Agreement or the current rules and regulations applicable to the premises, the Lessor may terminate this Agreement after providing proper notice to the Lessee.

By their execution below, the parties have agreed to all terms of this Agreement on the date first above written.





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