Free Child Custody Agreement Template
Child Custody Agreement
This Child Custody Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between [Your Name] ("Parent A") and [Co-Parent's Name] ("Parent B"), collectively referred to as the "Parents," regarding the custody and care of their child(ren).
I. Custody and Visitation
1.1 Legal Custody
Both parents have shared legal custody equally responsible for major decisions about the child's life, including education, healthcare, and religion. They must work together to ensure the child's comprehensive growth and well-being.
1.2 Physical Custody
The physical custody arrangement shall be as follows:
Parent A shall have custody of the child(ren) during the weekdays from Monday morning to Friday afternoon, while Parent B shall have custody during the weekends from Friday evening to Sunday evening.
During holidays, custody shall alternate annually, with Parent A having custody on odd-numbered years and Parent B having custody on even-numbered years.
Vacation periods shall be equally divided between the Parents, with each Parent having two weeks of uninterrupted custody during the child(ren)'s summer break and one week during winter break.
II. Parenting Schedule
Weekdays |
Weekends |
Holidays |
Vacation Periods |
III. Communication
The agreement between both parents entails that they shall uphold an open line of communication that is rooted in respect about matters concerning their child or children's welfare. This includes the dissemination and sharing of any information that is pertinent to aspects of the child or children's life such as school activities, their health status, and involvement in extracurricular activities.
IV. Decision Making
The major decisions that pertain to various aspects of the child or children's lives, such as their education, healthcare, and the religious values they will be raised with, will be taken collectively by both Parents. This implies that the decision-making process will involve mutual consultation between the parents and will only be finalized upon reaching an agreement that is agreeable to both parties.
V. Child Support
The Parents have come to a mutual agreement that the obligations related to the support of the child will be determined by the relevant laws of the specified State or Country. Furthermore, any payments to be made about child support will occur by the requirements as established by law, or if the Parents decide, in a manner that is agreed upon separately by them.
VI. Transportation
Both Parents shall cooperate and share responsibilities for transporting the child(ren) to and from scheduled visitations, school, extracurricular activities, and other relevant appointments.
VII. Amendments
Any alterations, changes, or amendments that may be necessary to this Agreement should be documented and clearly defined in written format. This written documentation needs to be legally acknowledged and accepted by both Parents through a signature, ensuring their mutual consent and understanding of the modifications.
VIII. Governing Law
The governance and interpretation of this Agreement shall be carried out by, and proceeding from the perspective of, the laws of the specified State or Country.
IX. Severability
If any provision contained within this Agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable by a court of law, it should not affect the remaining provisions of the Agreement. These remaining provisions shall continue to remain enforceable and operate in full force and effect.
X. Entire Agreement
This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between the Parents concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Child Custody Agreement as of the date first above written.
[Your Name]
[Co-Parent's Name]