Free Shorthold Tenancy Agreement Template
Shorthold Tenancy Agreement
This Agreement is made on January 1, 2052 between:
[YOUR NAME], referred to as the “Landlord,”
Philip Mitchell, referred to as the “Tenant.”
It is agreed as follows:
I. Definitions and Interpretation
“Property” refers to the premises at Indianapolis, IN 46201.
“Tenancy Period” refers to the term starting on January 1, 2052 and ending on December 31, 2052, unless terminated earlier as per this Agreement.
“Rent” means the monthly amount payable by the Tenant to the Landlord as specified herein.
II. The Property
The Landlord lets to the Tenant the Property known as Indianapolis, IN 46201, together with its contents as described in the inventory list attached to this Agreement.
III. Term of Tenancy
The tenancy shall begin on January 1, 2052 and continue for a period of 12 months. After this period, the tenancy may continue on a rolling monthly basis unless terminated by either party in accordance with this Agreement.
IV. Rent
The Rent shall be $1,500 per calendar month, payable in advance on the 1st day of each month.
Payments shall be made by bank transfer to the following account:
Account Name: [YOUR NAME]
Account Number: 12345678
Sort Code: 12-34-56
V. Deposit
The Tenant shall pay a deposit of $1,500 to the Landlord before the start of the tenancy.
The deposit shall be held in accordance with the rules of the Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme (TDPS) and will be returned to the Tenant at the end of the tenancy, subject to deductions for damages or unpaid rent.
VI. Tenant’s Obligations
The Tenant agrees to:
Pay Rent and utility bills promptly.
Keep the Property clean and in good condition.
Not sublet or assign the Property without the Landlord’s prior written consent.
Allow the Landlord or their agent reasonable access to inspect or repair the Property, with prior notice.
VII. Landlord’s Obligations
The Landlord agrees to:
Ensure the Property is fit for habitation.
Perform necessary repairs promptly.
Respect the Tenant’s privacy.
VIII. Termination of Tenancy
Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing at least 2 months written notice.
The Landlord may terminate the tenancy immediately in the case of breach by the Tenant.
IX. Inventory
The Landlord and Tenant shall sign an inventory of the Property’s contents at the start of the tenancy. This inventory will serve as evidence in the case of any disputes.
X. Disputes
Any disputes arising from this Agreement will be referred to a mediator before legal proceedings are considered.
XI. Governing Law
This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Indiana.
XII. Signatures
Landlord Signature:
Date: January 1, 2052
Tenant Signature:
Philip Mitchell
Date: January 1, 2052