Free Office Lease Agreement Template



Free Office Lease Agreement Template

Office Lease Agreement

1. Leased Premises

1.1 Description of Premises: Lessor hereby leases to Lessee and Lessee hereby rents from Lessor the premises located at St. Louis, MO 63101. The leased premises shall be used exclusively for the operation of Lessee's office and no other purpose.

1.2 Usage Restrictions: The individual or entity that is renting, herein referred to as the lessee, is strictly prohibited from engaging in any activities that are deemed illegal or that pose any kind of hazard within the premises that are being leased. Furthermore, the lessee must adhere to all the laws, local ordinances, and regulations that are relevant and applicable to the use of the premises being leased.

1.3 Condition of Premises: Lessor shall deliver the leased premises to Lessee in a clean and habitable condition, free from defects and hazardous conditions, and Lessee shall maintain the premises in good repair throughout the term of the lease.

2. Term and Rent

2.1 Lease Duration: The term of this lease shall be 5 years, commencing on January 1, 2050, and ending on December 31, 2055. The lease term may be renewed upon mutual agreement of both parties.

2.2 Rental Payments: The initial monthly rental for the leased premises shall be $5000. Lessee shall make rental payments on the 1st of each month, with the first payment due on January 1, 2050.

2.3 Rent Adjustment: Upon the conclusion of each lease term, there may arise a possibility for adjusting the rental amount. This potential adjustment will be guided by the prevailing market rates then. Moreover, any changes implemented will be conducted under the mutual agreement of both parties involved. Both parties are expected to agree upon these terms for the adjustment to be enacted.

3. Rights and Responsibilities

3.1 Lessor's Responsibilities: The Lessor shall be responsible for maintaining the structural integrity of the premises, including repairs to the roof, walls, and foundation, as well as common areas such as hallways and elevators.

3.2 Lessee's Responsibilities: Lessee agrees to maintain cleanliness and orderliness within the leased premises, including routine cleaning and disposal of waste, and to promptly report any maintenance issues or repairs needed to Lessor.

3.3 Use of Common Areas: Lessee shall have access to common areas of the building, including parking lots, elevators, stairwells, and restrooms, according to building rules and regulations established by the Lessor.

4. Miscellaneous

4.1 Compliance with Laws: The party leasing the property, known as the Lessor, and the party who is renting out or leasing the property, identified as the Lessee, mutually agree and pledge that they each will conduct themselves in accordance and full compliance with all relevant and applicable laws, rules, ordinances, and regulations that are associated with, and pertain to, the usage and occupation of the premises that are being leased.

4.2 Breach of Agreement: Should there be any occurrence of violation against these provisions, it will be considered as a breach of this Agreement. Moreover, any such violations will be subject to the appropriate remedies as are provided by the law.

5. Execution

This Agreement is intended to be legally binding and remain effective for the parties involved in this matter, as well as for their heirs, individuals who enforce their wills, individuals who deal with their estate after death, entities or individuals who take over their rights and responsibilities, and individuals they transfer their rights to.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Office Lease Agreement as of the date first above written.

January 1, 2050

January 1, 2050