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Move Out Agreement


This Move Out Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into as of the [Effective Date] (“Effective Date”), between [Your Company Name], located at [Your Company Address] (hereafter referred to as "Party A"), and [Party B Name], located at [Party B Address] (hereafter referred to as "Party B").


As per the agreement, Party B is expected to occupy the premises until the end of the specified term, at which point Party B is bound by the said agreement to completely vacate the premises. The end of this term, or the final move-out date for Party B, will be determined by Party A. It is an agreed-upon term that Party B must fully vacate the premises on or before this determined move-out date. Should Party B fails to comply with this important condition of moving out by the appointed date, they understand and acknowledge that they will become financially liable for any additional expenses that may be incurred as a direct consequence of their failure to vacate.


Party B must leave the premises as found, barring reasonable wear and tear, when vacating. Excessive damages may be deducted from their security deposit.

2.1 Initial Inspection Requirement: Party B must participate in an initial inspection to document the condition of the premises before occupancy, ensuring clarity on any existing damages or issues.

2.2 Maintenance Responsibility: Throughout the tenancy, Party B is responsible for maintaining the premises in a condition consistent with its initial state, excluding ordinary wear and tear.

2.3 Damage Assessment Protocol: In the event of damages beyond normal wear and tear, an assessment will be conducted to determine the extent of the damage and the corresponding deductions from the security deposit.

2.4 Notification Obligation: Party B must promptly notify Party A of any damages or issues that may arise during the tenancy to address them promptly.

2.5 Final Inspection and Deposit Deductions: Upon vacating the premises, a final inspection will be conducted to compare the condition to the initial inspection report, with any damages beyond ordinary wear and tear resulting in deductions from Party B's security deposit.


After adjusting for unpaid bills and potential damages, Party B will receive a refund of their security deposit in line with [Your Company Name]'s policies. This follows a satisfactory inspection and clearance of the premises by Party A.

3.1 Refund Process:

  • Party B's security deposit will be refunded after adjustment of unpaid bills and any damages, following the company's policies.

  • The refund process will commence only after proper inspection and clearance of the premises by Party A.

3.2 Deductions and Adjustments:

  • Unpaid bills and damages, if any, will be deducted from Party B's security deposit before refund.

  • The amount refunded will be adjusted based on the assessment conducted by Party A.

3.3 Clearance and Inspection:

  • Party A will conduct a thorough inspection of the premises to ensure there are no damages beyond normal wear and tear.

  • Upon clearance by Party A, the refund process for Party B's security deposit will be initiated.

3.4 Policy Compliance:

  • Refund of the security deposit will adhere strictly to the policies outlined by the company.

  • Both parties are expected to comply with these policies to ensure a smooth refund process.

3.5 Timely Refund:

  • Once all necessary adjustments and inspections are completed, the security deposit will be promptly refunded to Party B.

  • Delays in refunding the security deposit may occur if there are outstanding issues that need resolution.


  • Party B must give a month's notice before vacating. Not doing so may cause a loss of the security deposit per Party A's policies.

  • Party B must inform Party A of their intention to move out at least one month in advance of the proposed departure date. This ensures that Party A has adequate time to make necessary arrangements.

  • Failure to provide the requisite notice may lead to the forfeiture of the security deposit as outlined in the agreement between Party A and Party B. This clause incentivizes tenants to adhere to the notification requirements to avoid financial penalties.

  • The notice of intention to vacate serves as a legal requirement in many jurisdictions, protecting both parties' rights and obligations under the lease agreement.

  • Providing advance notice allows Party A to plan for the vacancy, arrange for property inspections, and advertise the rental unit for potential new tenants, facilitating a smooth transition.

  • Clear communication regarding move-out intentions fosters a transparent and cooperative relationship between landlord and tenant, minimizing misunderstandings and disputes during the rental period.


This Agreement, according to its stipulations, is to be administered and interpreted under the regulations that are imposed and enforced by the corresponding local authority. If any disputes are directly or indirectly linked to or arising from this Agreement, they will be addressed and ultimately resolved following the rules and requirements outlined in these imposed laws that this Agreement, in its entirety, abides by.


Either party can terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the other, under the termination and notice clauses mentioned in this Agreement and relevant local laws.

6.1 Notice Requirement: Before termination, both parties must provide written notice to each other, adhering to the specified notice period as outlined in the agreement.

6.2 Mutual Consent: Termination of the agreement requires mutual consent from both parties, ensuring that neither party can unilaterally end the contract without the agreement of the other.

6.3 Compliance with Local Laws: Termination procedures must comply with relevant local laws and regulations governing contract termination, ensuring legality and fairness in the process.

6.4 Effect on Obligations: Upon termination, both parties are relieved of future obligations outlined in the agreement, but previous commitments and liabilities may still need to be fulfilled according to the terms of the contract.

6.5 Documentation: Termination should be documented formally, with a written record of the termination notice, acknowledgment from both parties, and any subsequent actions or agreements regarding the termination process.


Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary information shared during this partnership and not to disclose it to any third party without prior written consent.

7.1 Protection of Sensitive Data: Both parties commit to safeguarding any sensitive data exchanged, including but not limited to trade secrets, financial information, and intellectual property, to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure.

7.2 Non-Disclosure Obligations: It is agreed that the obligation of confidentiality extends beyond the duration of the partnership and survives termination, ensuring continued protection of sensitive information even after the collaboration ends.

7.3 Exceptions and Permitted Disclosures: Exceptions to confidentiality obligations may include disclosures required by law or court order, provided that the disclosing party notifies the other party promptly to allow for appropriate legal action or protection measures.


In the event of any dispute arising out of or in connection with this partnership agreement, both parties agree to first attempt to resolve the dispute through good-faith negotiation. If a resolution cannot be reached, the parties agree to pursue mediation or arbitration as a means of resolving the dispute.


This agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of [State/Country].


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date first above written.





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