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All Purpose Release Of Liability

All Purpose Release of Liability

I. Parties Involved



[Name of Releasor]


[Releasor Address]


[Email Address]

Contact Number:

[Contact Number]



[Name of Releasee]


[Releasee Address]


[Email Address]

Contact Number:

[Contact Number]

II. Description of Activity or Event

The releasor willingly participated in an activity or event which shall be briefly described in the forthcoming part of this sentence. This particular activity or event was meticulously organized and supervised by the entity that will be released from any potential liabilities, hereafter referred to as the release. The specific dates on which this activity or event took place will be indicated in the subsequent portion of this text.

II. Release of Claims

Considering the payment of $100 as a participation fee, which is truly recognized and valued, the releasor in this release of liability hereby seriously absolves, exculpates, and discharges the individual referred to as the release encompassing their executives, board members, workers, agents, and any related organizations, from any claims, legal liabilities, injuries, or demands that might or might not have been revealed, that may have emerged directly or indirectly due to the releasor's engagement or participation in the charity marathon organized by the release on [Date].

III. Acknowledgment of Risks

The releasor acknowledges that participation in the activity/event may involve inherent risks, including but not limited to:

  • Falls: Climbing inherently involves heights, and falls can occur due to slips, equipment failure, or misjudgments.

  • Collisions: Participants may encounter objects such as rocks or walls during climbing or may accidentally collide with other climbers.

  • Equipment Malfunction: Climbing gear such as ropes, harnesses, or carabiners may malfunction, leading to potential accidents.

  • Unpredictable Weather Conditions: Outdoor climbing activities are susceptible to changes in weather conditions such as rain, wind, or sudden temperature drops, which can increase the risks involved.

IV. Indemnification

The party releasing the claim, hereinafter referred to as the releasor, consents to indemnify any damages undergone by the party accepting the claim, hereinafter termed as the release. This indemnification includes shielding the release, and all their related parties like workers, directors, contracted staff, and any linked organizations or persons against any harm. This protection encompasses any imminent lawsuits, appeals, or demands initiated by third parties that may either directly or indirectly arise as an aftermath of the releasor's involvement in the associated activity or event.

V. Governing Law:

The terms and conditions that are clearly outlined within the context of this agreement, as well as the interpretation of these terms, will be subject to and controlled by the specific laws that prevail in the [State/Country]. It is important to note that this will always remain the case, regardless of any potential conflicts that may arise with the law principles within the associated [State/Country].

By signing below, the parties acknowledge that they have read and understood this All Purpose Release of Liability and agree to its terms voluntarily.

[Releasor's Name]

[Releasee's Name]

Witness’s Signature (if applicable):


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